hbons / SparkleShare

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Sparkleshare does not promt for password when syncing existing encrypted repo #1958

Closed sciamp closed 2 years ago

sciamp commented 3 years ago

What happened:

While syncing an existed encrypted repo on GitHub Sparkleshare didn't prompt for a password

What I expected to happen:

Prompt for the encryption password to perform document decryption.

This happens when:

  1. create a new empty repo on GitHub sparkle-crypto

  2. add a project to SparkleShare

  3. enable encryption and enter a password when prompted

  4. add some files and wait for them to sync

  5. on another computer (but the same works on the same machine) add the existing project with the option "fetch prior revisions" Screenshot from 2020-11-17 15-49-53

  6. the process successfully terminates but no password is asked so the files inside the share are encrypted


15:11:46 Fetcher | /home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/tmp/sparkle-crypto | Fetching folder: ssh://
15:11:46 Auth | Fetching host key for
15:11:46 Cmd | ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p 22
15:12:00 Auth | Fingerprint matches
15:12:00 Cmd | tmp | git ls-remote --heads "ssh://"
15:12:02 Cmd | tmp | git clone --progress --no-checkout --depth=1 "ssh://" "/home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/tmp/sparkle-crypto"
15:12:02 Git | Cloning into '/home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/tmp/sparkle-crypto'...
15:12:04 Git | warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
15:12:33 Fetcher | Finished
15:13:23 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config filter.encryption.required true
15:13:54 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config filter.encryption.smudge "openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -base64 -S 4972926afa9ec0c1 -pass file:.git/info/encryption_password -md sha256"
15:14:04 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config filter.encryption.clean "openssl enc -e -aes-256-cbc -base64 -S 4972926afa9ec0c1 -pass file:.git/info/encryption_password -md sha256"
15:15:05 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:15:48 Git | sparkleshare | Checking for remote changes...
15:15:48 Cmd | sparkleshare | git rev-parse HEAD
15:15:48 Git | sparkleshare-crypto | Checking for remote changes...
15:15:48 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:16:06 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:16:06 Cmd | sparkleshare | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:16:06 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.autocrlf input
15:17:07 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.quotepath false
15:17:10 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.precomposeunicode true
15:17:16 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.ignorecase false
15:17:26 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.filemode false
15:17:43 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.safecrlf false
15:17:43 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.excludesfile ""
15:18:08 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.packedGitLimit 128m
15:19:09 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.packedGitWindowSize 128m
15:19:27 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config pack.deltaCacheSize 128m
15:20:10 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config pack.packSizeLimit 128m
15:20:48 Git | sparkleshare | Checking for remote changes...
15:20:48 Cmd | sparkleshare | git rev-parse HEAD
15:20:48 Git | sparkleshare-crypto | Checking for remote changes...
15:20:48 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:21:11 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:21:11 Cmd | sparkleshare | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:21:11 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config pack.windowMemory 128m
15:21:56 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config push.default matching
15:22:06 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config filter.lfs.required true
15:22:12 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config filter.lfs.clean 'git-lfs clean %f'
15:22:22 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config filter.lfs.smudge "env GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i /home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/2020-11-16_09h48.key -o UserKnownHostsFile=/home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/known_hosts -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no -F /dev/null' git-lfs smudge %f"
15:22:32 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:23:03 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git add .sparkleshare
15:23:13 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git commit --message="Set up SparkleShare project" --author="SparkleShare <>"
15:24:14 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git branch x-sparkleshare-encrypted-4972926afa9ec0c1
15:24:43 Config | Wrote to '/home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/projects.xml'
15:24:43 Config | Wrote to '/home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/projects.xml'
15:24:43 /home/sciamp/SparkleShare/ | Initializing...
15:24:43 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.ignorecase false
15:25:15 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config remote.origin.url "ssh://"
15:25:21 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.sshCommand ssh -i /home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/2020-11-16_09h48.key -o UserKnownHostsFile=/home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/known_hosts -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no -F /dev/null
15:25:25 Cmd | chmod 700 /home/sciamp/SparkleShare/
15:25:40 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git --no-pager log --since=1.month --name-status --date=iso --find-renames --no-merges --no-color
15:25:48 Git | sparkleshare | Checking for remote changes...
15:25:48 Cmd | sparkleshare | git rev-parse HEAD
15:25:48 Git | sparkleshare-crypto | Checking for remote changes...
15:25:48 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:25:52 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:25:52 Cmd | sparkleshare | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:25:52 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git --no-pager log -n 75 --since=1.month --name-status --date=iso --find-renames --no-merges --no-color
15:26:16 Git | sparkle-crypto | Checking for remote changes...
15:26:16 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:26:16 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.ignorecase true
15:26:22 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.ignorecase false
15:26:28 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
15:26:37 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin HEAD
15:26:54 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git status --porcelain
15:27:16 SyncUp | sparkle-crypto | Initiated
15:27:16 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git add --all
15:27:18 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git status --porcelain
15:27:33 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config "sciamp"
15:27:58 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config "MY EMAIL HERE :)"
15:28:11 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git commit --all --file="/home/sciamp/SparkleShare/" --author="cBQ9XPvzYXAWFHWTD3ADLw==_xQwscilxXmWEKabQW6FN3w== <LAldUgvE5k09kMymTTQ2Jw==_6CniGLQWcFE7cQ7hrwkvaIu0FRK7GmZlH4rZ/QkVV14=>"
15:28:19 Cmd | chmod 700 /home/sciamp/SparkleShare/
15:29:10 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git push --all --progress origin
15:29:16 Git | Enumerating objects: 4, done.
15:29:16 Git | Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
15:29:18 Git | To ssh://
15:29:18 Git |  * [new branch]      master -> master
15:29:20 SyncUp | sparkle-crypto | Done
15:29:20 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git --no-pager log --since=1.month --name-status --date=iso --find-renames --no-merges --no-color
15:29:59 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git status --porcelain
15:30:48 Git | sparkleshare | Checking for remote changes...
15:30:48 Cmd | sparkleshare | git rev-parse HEAD
15:30:48 Git | sparkleshare-crypto | Checking for remote changes...
15:30:48 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:31:24 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:31:24 Cmd | sparkleshare | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:35:48 Git | sparkleshare | Checking for remote changes...
15:35:48 Cmd | sparkleshare | git rev-parse HEAD
15:35:48 Git | sparkleshare-crypto | Checking for remote changes...
15:35:48 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:36:34 Cmd | sparkleshare | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:36:34 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:39:44 Git | sparkle-crypto | Checking for remote changes...
15:39:44 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:40:40 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin HEAD
15:40:48 Git | sparkleshare | Checking for remote changes...
15:40:48 Cmd | sparkleshare | git rev-parse HEAD
15:40:48 Git | sparkleshare-crypto | Checking for remote changes...
15:40:48 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:41:42 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:41:42 Cmd | sparkleshare | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:42:34 Cmd | xdg-open "/home/sciamp/SparkleShare/"
15:45:48 Git | sparkleshare | Checking for remote changes...
15:45:48 Cmd | sparkleshare | git rev-parse HEAD
15:45:48 Git | sparkleshare-crypto | Checking for remote changes...
15:45:48 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:45:48 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:45:48 Cmd | sparkleshare | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:50:04 Fetcher | /home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/tmp/sparkle-crypto | Fetching folder: ssh://
15:50:04 Auth | Fetching host key for
15:50:04 Cmd | ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p 22
15:50:48 Git | sparkleshare | Checking for remote changes...
15:50:48 Cmd | sparkleshare | git rev-parse HEAD
15:50:48 Git | sparkleshare-crypto | Checking for remote changes...
15:50:48 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:50:59 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:50:59 Auth | Fingerprint matches
15:50:59 Cmd | sparkleshare | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:50:59 Cmd | tmp | git ls-remote --heads "ssh://"
15:51:09 Cmd | tmp | git clone --progress --no-checkout "ssh://" "/home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/tmp/sparkle-crypto"
15:51:09 Git | Cloning into '/home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/tmp/sparkle-crypto'...
15:51:11 Git | remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.        
15:51:11 Git | remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 4 (delta 0), pack-reused 0        
15:51:26 Fetcher | Finished
15:51:26 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:51:30 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.autocrlf input
15:51:45 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.quotepath false
15:52:00 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.precomposeunicode true
15:52:45 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.ignorecase false
15:53:01 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.filemode false
15:53:08 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.safecrlf false
15:54:02 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.excludesfile ""
15:54:44 Git | sparkle-crypto | Checking for remote changes...
15:54:44 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:55:03 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin HEAD
15:55:03 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.packedGitLimit 128m
15:55:48 Git | sparkleshare | Checking for remote changes...
15:55:48 Cmd | sparkleshare | git rev-parse HEAD
15:55:48 Git | sparkleshare-crypto | Checking for remote changes...
15:55:48 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:56:04 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:56:04 Cmd | sparkleshare | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
15:56:04 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.packedGitWindowSize 128m
15:56:26 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config pack.deltaCacheSize 128m
15:56:40 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config pack.packSizeLimit 128m
15:56:46 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config pack.windowMemory 128m
15:56:57 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config push.default matching
15:57:04 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config filter.lfs.required true
15:57:05 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config filter.lfs.clean 'git-lfs clean %f'
15:57:27 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config filter.lfs.smudge "env GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i /home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/2020-11-16_09h48.key -o UserKnownHostsFile=/home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/known_hosts -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no -F /dev/null' git-lfs smudge %f"
15:58:06 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
15:59:07 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/SparkleShare
16:00:08 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git checkout --quiet --force HEAD
16:00:08 Config | Wrote to '/home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/projects.xml'
16:00:08 /home/sciamp/SparkleShare/ | Initializing...
16:00:08 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.ignorecase false
16:00:48 Git | sparkleshare | Checking for remote changes...
16:00:48 Cmd | sparkleshare | git rev-parse HEAD
16:00:48 Git | sparkleshare-crypto | Checking for remote changes...
16:00:48 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git rev-parse HEAD
16:01:09 Cmd | sparkleshare-crypto | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
16:01:09 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config remote.origin.url "ssh://"
16:01:09 Cmd | sparkleshare | git ls-remote --heads --exit-code origin master
16:01:56 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git config core.sshCommand ssh -i /home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/2020-11-16_09h48.key -o UserKnownHostsFile=/home/sciamp/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/ssh/known_hosts -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no -F /dev/null
16:02:10 Cmd | chmod 700 /home/sciamp/SparkleShare/
16:02:16 Cmd | sparkle-crypto | git --no-pager log --since=1.month --name-status --date=iso --find-renames --no-merges --no-color

Thanks for your time :)