hbons / SparkleShare

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dockless on mac #540

Closed tbloo closed 12 years ago

tbloo commented 12 years ago

A Mac program of this kind has to be dockless if there is a menubar icon. See dropbox or netmonitor for example. I have read a bunch of closed discussions about this issue, could not find an open one to +1. The running application (in dock) is even completely empty (nothing in the menus).

(mac 0.8.0)

hbons commented 12 years ago

SparkleShare will be dockless as long as you don't open any windows for the stated reasons by me in the other issues. This is a compromise as hiding the icon midway isn't possible.

tbloo commented 12 years ago

I see, now it's hidden after log in, but visible after using it. The named other programs don't have this behavior, confusing... Don't like compromises, but for a beta it will do :-)

jonasbits commented 11 years ago

If you go into the "Recent changes" dialog box, you can close it with Cmd+Q or going to the Menu and selecting Quit. But this should not stop the daemon.