hbz / lobid-gnd

UI and API to the Integrated Authority File (Gemeinsame Normdatei, GND)
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Obtain new EntityFacts dump #210

Closed acka47 closed 4 years ago

acka47 commented 5 years ago

This request by D.G. from Bonn came in via email today (snippet):

Heute aber bin ich etwas überrascht, weil ich auf der Suche nach Friedman, Batya (GND-Nummer 1187201553 oder 152687629) keine Verknüpfungen zu VIAF, LOC oder anderen Datenbanken vorhanden sind, obwohl Frau Friedman dort zu finden ist:


Ich hoffe, Sie können das wahrscheinlich technische Problem lösen und die fehlende Verknüpfung ohne großen Aufwand einarbeiten.

It looks like the person did not have an EntityFacts entry by the time the last dump was created (2019-03-05) (see #183). However, by now such an entry exists, see https://hub.culturegraph.org/entityfacts/1187201553

acka47 commented 5 years ago

I wrote a request to the lds list, see https://lists.dnb.de/pipermail/lds/2019-July/000147.html.

acka47 commented 5 years ago

DNB responded that there will be a nw EntityFacts dump next week. However, as we are only interested in the depiction and sameAs information from EntityFacts (see #44), I figured the best solution would be if DNB send us the monthly updated enrichment file created from all the BEACON files, VIAF and Wikidata as described in https://wiki.dnb.de/display/LINKEDDATASERVICE/Anreicherungen. I sent an enquiry to datendienste whether this is feasible.

acka47 commented 4 years ago

A new dump is now available:

Am 29.07.19 um 10:30 schrieb Datendienste:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen, nach einigen Schwierigkeiten steht Ihnen jetzt auch der aktualisierte Gesamtabzug der Daten des Services „Entity Facts“[1] zur Verfügung[2]. Ich bedanke mich bei Ihnen für Ihre Geduld und bei meinen Kollegen für Ihre Hartnaeckigkeit. Mit freundlichen Grüßen i.A. Uta Ackermann [1]https://www.dnb.de/entityfacts [2]https://data.dnb.de/opendata/

acka47 commented 4 years ago

@fsteeg, I keep this open until the data is updated in lobid-gnd. I think @dr0i usually set up the EntityFacts index. Can you take over this taks this time?

fsteeg commented 4 years ago

Assigning @dr0i for next week. If he doesn't have time, I'll do it later next week.

dr0i commented 4 years ago

Buildt new entityfacts-index, switched alias. I think the gnd-index need a complete rebuild, don't see how to do this in the crontab - there only updates are described. Assigning @fsteeg, also: could you paste into the crontab how to trigger a fulldump index build ?

fsteeg commented 4 years ago

Assigning @fsteeg, also: could you paste into the crontab how to trigger a fulldump index build ?

I think there are two things we should do here to make this fully automatable:

- [ ] Move GND indexing into a separate main (currently done as part of the app startup process) https://github.com/hbz/lobid-gnd/issues/213 - [ ] Move EntityFacts indexing into lobid-gnd (currently done in lobid-resources) https://github.com/hbz/lobid-gnd/issues/214

fsteeg commented 4 years ago

Deployed to test: http://test.lobid.org/gnd/1187201553 (http://test.lobid.org/gnd/search)

(But it seems the VIAF link already got there in some other way: http://lobid.org/gnd/1187201553)

acka47 commented 4 years ago

(But it seems the VIAF link already got there in some other way: http://lobid.org/gnd/1187201553)

The VIAF and ISNI links are meanwhile also in the GND RDF, see https://d-nb.info/gnd/1187201553/about/lds.ttl.

In https://hypothes.is/a/bmBf8sKBEemssUsuLRMriQ a missing depiction link for Berlin was reported. It will be there after deployment to production (see http://test.lobid.org/gnd/4005728-8.).

+1 for deploying

fsteeg commented 4 years ago

Deployed current data to production, closing. See http://lobid.org/gnd/search