hbz / lobid-organisations

Transformation, web frontend, and API for lobid-organisations
Eclipse Public License 2.0
13 stars 3 forks source link

Post "index" not working #435

Closed dr0i closed 4 years ago

dr0i commented 4 years ago

An curl -XPOST http://localhost:7200/organisations/index doesn't work: the data is not updated in the index. As a workaround, in the crontab it's scheduled to restart the app. This does trigger the indexation of the new/updated data.

Tested when working at #434.

acka47 commented 4 years ago

Good to see you are giving lobid-organisations some love.

dr0i commented 4 years ago

Just had do that again while deploying #434 on production. It is confirmed - "tranform", "index" AND a restart is needed.

dr0i commented 4 years ago

Workaround documented and crontabbed. Closing.