hbz / lobid-organisations

Transformation, web frontend, and API for lobid-organisations
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Test does not receive updates after 21-07-23 / Issue with the interval for the updates. #487

Closed TobiasNx closed 1 year ago

TobiasNx commented 1 year ago

http://lobid.org/organisations/DE-290-PAS#! (früher: Dortmund, Universitätsbibliothek, Informationszentrum Technik und Patente) http://test.lobid.org/organisations/DE-290-PAS#! (Universitätsbibliothek, Informationszentrum Technik und Patente)

The deletion is not yet processed in test.lobid. But the Pica-Data show it is delted also the prod: https://services.dnb.de/sru/bib?operation=searchRetrieve&query=isl%3DDE-290-PAS&recordSchema=PicaPlus-xml&version=1.1

TobiasNx commented 1 year ago

I identified the problem, the last records have dateCreated or datemodified 21-07-23. That are exactly 50 days after the update start. This is the configured in the conf file with 50. Therefore this means that the second interval is not start.

dr0i commented 1 year ago

Note to self: It's not enough not merge and restart on server. also the cron.sh has to be triggered - this rebuilds the data (and gets the new data).

It's working , see http://test.lobid.org/organisations/DE-290-PAS. Closing.