hbz / lobid

Linking Open Bibliographic Data
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Don't type resources with 051 s| | as Misc #320

Closed acka47 closed 7 years ago

acka47 commented 7 years ago

Reported by publisso stakeholders. Many publisso resources are typed as "Anderes"/Miscellaneous, see https://repository.publisso.de/resource?query%5B0%5D%5Bfacets%5D%5Brdftype%5D%5B0%5D=Anderes. For example http://lobid.org/hbz01/HT016988885. Many of these have an s in 051 at position 0. From the example:

<controlfield tag="051">s|||z|||</controlfield>

From the MAB documentation:


          blank = nicht definiert

            0  Erscheinungsform
               a = unselbstaendig erschienenes Werk
               f = Fortsetzung
               m = einbaendiges Werk - nicht Teil eines
               n = mehrbaendiges begrenztes Werk - nicht Teil
                   eines Gesamtwerks
               s = einbaendiges Werk  u n d  Teil (mit
                   Stuecktitel) eines Gesamtwerks
               t = mehrbaendiges begrenztes Werk  u n d
                   Teil (mit Stuecktitel) eines Gesamtwerks

Proposal: As s stands for "einbändiges Werk" (monograph) we should also type it as bibo:Book (as we do with other monographs).

ChristophEwertowski commented 7 years ago

Resources with MAB 051.s are typed as books now and not miscellaneous (example (production) / example (test)). If there is already a publication type then it's added (example (production) / example (test)). The pull request is in a different repository, therefore not connected in waffle.

acka47 commented 7 years ago


dr0i commented 7 years ago

Deployed to production, closed.

ChristophEwertowski commented 7 years ago

An elinet customer reported that 051.s should be only typed as book if the subtype isn't defined. Her example fields were 051.s[kr]. Her example https://ellinet-dev.hbz-nrw.de/resource/frl:6019470 would be only a conference work and not a book (which is correct because from the bibliographic resource we only get that it's an electronic resource). We should expand the definition that a book can't be an electronic resource alone (050.level 8) / has to be a printing (050.a) or hand writing (050..a). @jschnasse : For your information.

ChristophEwertowski commented 7 years ago

Misunderstood the customer first while reading her comment, therefore no change is necessary. Wrote her an explanation about our mapping of publication types and sent her an link to our documentation.