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Getting language for each variantName? #422

Closed kshepherd closed 3 years ago

kshepherd commented 3 years ago

Hi there, is there a way to request language codes for each variantName listed for an entity? I'm not sure if this data is even reliably stored, but i thought I would ask just in case!

For example, this record has many variants for Mark Twain in many languages, but I can't programatically determine which is which: https://lobid.org/gnd/search?q=mark+twain&format=json&filter=type:Person&from=0&size=1

Many thanks!

acka47 commented 3 years ago

Hi Kim, thanks for your understandable interest in those language tags but unfortunately we do not have any language tags for variantName in lobid-gnd. In the RDF from German National Library (which we use for lobid-gnd) language tags are very sparse. As far as I can see they only exist for non-roman scripts, see e.g. http://d-nb.info/gnd/118540238/about/lds which contains the language tagsuz-Cyrl, zh-hans, zh-Hant, und-Hebr, ja. When these few language tags for variantName were added in fall of 2019, we decided to ignore them in our data transformation process in order to keep the lobi-gnd API stable (see https://github.com/hbz/lobid-gnd/issues/243#issuecomment-548371516).

kshepherd commented 3 years ago

Thanks @acka47 , that is good to know - i though that might be the case. I will close this issue.