hbz / lobid

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Provide visual overview over our projects, products etc. #427

Open acka47 opened 3 years ago

acka47 commented 3 years ago

@katauber asked the following understandable question:

gibt es eigentlich irgendwo eine Übersicht, bei welchen Projekten und Produkten mit welchen Beteiligten die Gruppe beteiligt ist? Ich würd mir irgendwie wünschen, dass es vielleicht eine Stelle gibt, wo dann immer bei steht, worums da geht, wo man mehr dazu lesen kann und wie eventuell auch die Zusammenhänge sind usw.

This is a good reason to start overhauling our information pages. The general plan is:

  1. Agree on a simple data model to capture products, projects, publications etc.
  2. Create JSON Schemas for the respective types
  3. Record information using SkoHub Editor and add the JSON-LD it to this repo
  4. Build a graph-based visualization of our products and projects and their interconnections
  5. Improve on this

I started with a manually edited version of an overview at https://dienst-wiki.hbz-nrw.de/display/SEM/Offene+Infrastruktur to get a feeling for this.

fsteeg commented 3 years ago

I've set up an initial visualization of team.json data with vis.js network in our Gatsby site:


It is based on the same data as http://stage.lobid.org/team.

The visualization framework is the same as used in lobid-gnd. So for ideas on how to build the visualization side, we can look at things like https://lobid.org/gnd/116994061#rels. There are also a lot of examples at https://visjs.github.io/vis-network/examples/.

For the next steps, I guess we should start with building a simple new data model, replacing the current https://github.com/hbz/lobid/blob/master/gatsby/lobid/static/team.json.

acka47 commented 3 years ago

Moving this to backlog and now working on #432 which is prerequisite for more sophisticated visualisations.

acka47 commented 2 years ago

As discussed today, we might start working on this again to facilitate onboading of the four new team members.