hbz / lobid

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Provide a list with lobid's used geodata #436

Closed dr0i closed 3 years ago

dr0i commented 3 years ago

A.D. wrote:

ich bastele zwischendurch noch am Tileserver mit Umfang komplette Erde rum. Dazu eine Frage: Kannst Du mir eine Liste generieren, in der alle für Euch relevanten Objekte enthalten sind? Gut wäre eine Textdatei in der Form: Breite, Länge (N/O positiv, S/W negativ) also etwa in der Art: 51.012345,7.98765 49.25,-123.456

I think we can omit lobid-resources, because these are only about Germany? Interesting data would be lobid-gnd and lobid-organisations. (although I wonder: if any new geodata will come to the data, what would become of it - no tiles in this case?)

Originates from https://github.com/hbz/lobid/issues/309.

acka47 commented 3 years ago

I think the most geo coordinates from around the world are in GND so I start with this. Geodata is offered in lobid-gnd like this:

  "hasGeometry": [
      "type": "Point",
      "asWKT": [
        "Point ( +012.341666 +051.403333 )"

Currently, there are nearly 60k entries with geo coordinates. You can get them in bul with $ curl --header "Accept: application/x-jsonlines" "https://lobid.org/gnd/search?q=_exists_%3AhasGeometry.asWKT" > geo-gnd.json and then filter the geo coordinates out with jq:

$ cat geo-gnd.json | jq .hasGeometry[].asWKT[] > gnd-coordinates.txt

I uploaded the results into a gist: https://gist.github.com/acka47/97a1b60f1bfacd536cc361d92bc3695d

This isn't the format A.D. asked for but I think he should be able to work with it. Not that, there are 44 Polygons in there that look a bit different than the point information, e.g. https://gist.github.com/acka47/97a1b60f1bfacd536cc361d92bc3695d#file-gnd-coordinates-txt-L70.

dr0i commented 3 years ago

Great , thx! Format sufficient. IT neede it to precalculate the tiles to be able to serve them performantly. See https://lobid.org/gnd/4064682-8. Closing.