hbz / lobid

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Add recent publications #479

Closed fsteeg closed 2 years ago

fsteeg commented 2 years ago

Update publications for http://lobid.org/team.

Slides data is copy-paste from the (slightly tweaked, see https://github.com/hbz/slides/commit/6182ffc0f42c68b869ddd35f4e3a5845a981ffe6) embedded JSON-LD in http://slides.lobid.org. This could probably be automated pretty easily with Metafacture in the future.

Currently not deployed to stage, I think due to the server move we have no current Gatsby and separate stage setup on emphytos as described in the README. Is that correct, and should I set that up on emphytos, @dr0i?

dr0i commented 2 years ago

Correct, stage was not set up. Now it should be up, see http://stage.lobid.org/.

fsteeg commented 2 years ago

Correct, stage was not set up. Now it should be up, see http://stage.lobid.org/.

Great, thanks! But something seems wrong, I can't run gatsby:

lobid@emphytos:/srv/www/htdocs/stage.lobid.org/gatsby/lobid$ gatsby clean
gatsby: command not found

(As described in the README, I became lobid with sudo su lobid -)

dr0i commented 2 years ago

sudo su lobid -

The hyphen is not set correctly, i.e. the environment is not sourced in, thus missing i.a. lobid's $PATH. Updated the README.

fsteeg commented 2 years ago

@dr0i Thanks, with the new su command gatsby was found, but I had to nvm use 15 and fix some small issues. Did you run gatsby build to create the staging site? Maybe I'm still doing something weird.

@acka47 Deployed to stage, see e.g. http://stage.lobid.org/product/lobid

acka47 commented 2 years ago

blind +1

dr0i commented 2 years ago

I had to nvm use 15

As recommended in the README (nvm install v15.14.0) when installing gastby - but lacking this information that this is also needed when starting gatsby. Will adopt the README.

and fix some small issues

What were these issues?

Did you run gatsby build to create the staging site?

yep (gatsby develop would expose to an unreachable port, and developing is normally done locally).

fsteeg commented 2 years ago

As recommended in the README (nvm install v15.14.0) when installing gastby - but lacking this information that this is also needed when starting gatsby.

I would have expected that if we nvm use 15 as lobid on emphytos once, we'd not have to set it each time.

Seems it is reset to v10 after login / su (in ~/.nvm/nvm.sh, called from ~/.bash_profile).

What were these issues?

I had to remove a specific module and run npm install. But it makes sense, I was trying to run it with v10 first.

dr0i commented 2 years ago

I would have expected that if we nvm use 15 as lobid on emphytos once, we'd not have to set it each time.

It's indeed resetted every time. I don't know, maybe that's good, because one can have different projects with need of different nvm versions, so it's good to accustomize to the fact that nvm is to be set every time one works with it.

However, nvm alias default 15 does what you want. As we don't have any other nodejs apps running there, I did that, so you don't have to do it every time you login.