hbz / lobid

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Add Anna, Infrastrukturinitiativew Metadaten and slides for SkoHub workshops #484

Closed acka47 closed 1 year ago

fsteeg commented 1 year ago

Pushed some tweaks in https://github.com/hbz/lobid/pull/484/commits/957fdc6c8aa4be1f816bab5f7578d8f8a05f7fb3 (e.g. removed endDate, currently projects with an endDate are displayed under former projects and not shown on the team member pages).

Deployed to stage:

http://stage.lobid.org/team http://stage.lobid.org/team/ak

@kaena83 Let me know it you want an image (URL or file).

kaena83 commented 1 year ago

@fsteeg Thanks for adding me :) Here's the pic: AnnaKeller_Porträt

acka47 commented 1 year ago

I have added the picture with 883f20e.

I have also reviewed the changes on staging and noticed the following.

fsteeg commented 1 year ago

The link label for the new project isn't ideal. How can I change it?

If you add an alternateName it will be used there.

Anoter question: How do I add line breaks to the description text at http://stage.lobid.org/project/infrastrukturinitiative I guess by just adding \n, right?

No, since in HTML that line break has no effect. Currently, there is no way to add styling, the texts have been shorter so far. HTML tags are currently escaped, but I think that would be the way to implement styling, if we want that.

fsteeg commented 1 year ago

Added label as discussed with @acka47 in chat, deployed to production, closing:

https://lobid.org/team https://lobid.org/team/ak