hbz / oerworldmap.prototype

OER World Map Prototype
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Supply exact URIs of geoname features #81

Closed literarymachine closed 10 years ago

literarymachine commented 10 years ago

The addressCountry properties should contain the exact URIs of geonames features. Currently, the trailing slash is lacking, see e.g. [1]:

http://schema.org/addressCountry: [
        @id: "http://sws.geonames.org/1814991"

This should read:

http://schema.org/addressCountry: [
        @id: "http://sws.geonames.org/1814991/"

While data can also be received from the URL without the slash, the RDF contains statements only about the subject URI with slash.

[1] http://api.lobid.org/oer/7bf46009-c296-4c3d-91e9-55baab4d4362

dr0i commented 10 years ago

deployed to production, closing.

literarymachine commented 10 years ago

Some resources now contain an additional trailing slash, see http://lobid.org/oer?q=*&addressCountry:*//

fsteeg commented 10 years ago

Fixed in production: http://api.lobid.org/oer?q=%22Unisul%20Virtual%22 (used to be 2, one had the additional slash, now only one. Note your query still yields results for all http:// occurences).

We thought the slash issue was already fixed, but the faulty documents were not replaced (the geonames ID is the parent for the OER resource, and Elasticsearch treats documents with identical IDs but different parents as separate documents).