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Populating publicationStmt and sourceDesc #48

Open jcowey opened 2 years ago

jcowey commented 2 years ago

We should consider including provision for populating publicationStmt and sourceDesc in the pipeline. If we compare




it can be seen that publisher, pubPlace and a number of other tags are included in https://github.com/jcowey/P3/blob/master/pylon_1/89346.xml#L6-L59 but not in https://github.com/hcayless/P3-processing/blob/main/articles/Claytor_Receipt_Didrachmia_Souchos/Claytor_Receipt_Didrachmia_Souchos.xml#L6-L28

The questions to be clarified is what should come from the pipeline of P3-processing and what is added and the UB Heidelberg side and does not require further input.

An example where P3-processing could provide information is at


<idno ana="hc:PrivateIdentifier">pylon.1.18</idno>

this is the same information as at

https://github.com/jcowey/P3/blob/master/pylon_1/89346.xml#L307 (HGV Meta section)

and the information must come from the XML uploaded to GitLab. A way of dealing with this would be helpful. This in turn could be used to create biblStruct


jcowey commented 2 years ago

This issue is a marker for conversation about adding improvements, where necessary, but without overkill.

jcowey commented 2 years ago


            <title>A Receipt for the Didrachmia of Souchos from the Mikkalos Archive</title>
                  <forename>W. Graham</forename>
               <affiliation>Uniwersytet Warszawski</affiliation>
            <p>Converted from a Word document</p>

in comparison to https://github.com/jcowey/P3/blob/master/pylon_1/89346.xml#L6-L59:

            <title>A Receipt for the <emph rend="italics">Didrachmia</emph> of Souchos from the Mikkalos Archive</title>
                  <forename>W. Graham</forename>
                  <orgName>Centre for Research on Ancient Civilisations, Wydział Historii, Uniwersytet Warszawski</orgName>
               <idno ana="hc:GNDURI">https://d-nb.info/gnd/1164982230</idno>
               <idno ana="hc:ORCIDURI">https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9838-3318</idno>
            <funder>Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft</funder>
               <idno ana="hc:GNDURI">https://d-nb.info/gnd/1257896830</idno>
               <idno ana="hc:GNDURI">http://d-nb.info/gnd/4023996-2</idno>
            <date when="2022">2022</date>
               <licence target="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)</licence>
            <idno ana="hc:PrivateIdentifier">pylon.1.18</idno>
            <idno ana="hc:DOI">https://doi.org/10.48631/pylon.2022.1.89346</idno>
            <bibl ana="hc:RecommendedBibliographicReference">W.G. Claytor, “A Receipt for the Didrachmia of Souchos from the Mikkalos Archive,” Pylon 1 (2022). DOI: <ref ana="hc:URLReference" target="https://doi.org/10.48631/pylon.2022.1.89346">https://doi.org/10.48631/pylon.2022.1.89346</ref>.</bibl>
                  <title level="j" ana="hc:MainTitle">Pylon</title>
                  <title level="j" ana="hc:Subtitle">Editions and Studies of Ancient Texts</title>
                  <idno ana="hc:ISSN hc:DigitalPublicationIdentifier">2751-4722</idno>
                     <biblScope unit="volume">1</biblScope>
                     <biblScope unit="article">18</biblScope>
                     <date when="2022">2022</date>
jakub-simek commented 2 years ago

@lmaylein The question is in so far relevant for the heiVIEWER as the metadata in publicationStmt and sourceDesc are or are not displayed in the information tab of our viewer. We already have a general discussion about publicationStmt running but sourceDesc is much more complex because it can contain complete manuscript descriptions.