11-10 08:45:07.991 916 3497 I ActivityManager: Start proc 23333:com.harrcharr.reverb/u0a288 for activity com.harrcharr.reverb/.ReverbActivity
11-10 08:45:07.992 916 3497 I WindowManager: Failed to capture screenshot of Token{d186edd ActivityRecord{89542b4 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.legacyui.VelvetActivity t1284}} appWin=Window{c44ad49 u0 com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.apps.gsa.legacyui.VelvetActivity} drawState=1
11-10 08:45:08.088 23276 23276 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
11-10 08:45:08.095 23188 23188 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 23188
11-10 08:45:08.171 23333 23333 W linker : /data/app/com.harrcharr.reverb-1/lib/arm/libjson.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
11-10 08:45:08.175 23333 23333 W linker : /data/app/com.harrcharr.reverb-1/lib/arm/libsndfile.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
11-10 08:45:08.180 23333 23333 W linker : /data/app/com.harrcharr.reverb-1/lib/arm/libpulsecommon-UNKNOWN.UNKNOWN.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
11-10 08:45:08.184 23333 23333 W linker : /data/app/com.harrcharr.reverb-1/lib/arm/libpulse.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
11-10 08:45:08.188 23333 23333 W linker : /data/app/com.harrcharr.reverb-1/lib/arm/libpulse_interface.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
11-10 08:45:08.205 23333 23333 D Reverb : -460059072
Nexus 5X 7.1.1 Reverb from https://github.com/downloads/hchapman/reverb/Reverb.apk