hche11 / VGGSound

VGGSound: A Large-scale Audio-Visual Dataset
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how do I issue the target video that shorter than 10s? #16

Open WindBlowMyAss opened 2 years ago

WindBlowMyAss commented 2 years ago

Hi@hche11, recently I'm trying to download some popular dataset, such as VGG-SS. However your link didn't provide the entire dataset rather give us a way to get, so firstly I need to download your VGGSound dataset, but I found there are some videos shorter than 10s in test set, maybe we can fix the gap by using ffmpeg, but I don't know how because it's not clear in the article:VGGSOUND: A LARGE-SCALE AUDIO-VISUAL DATASET. I'd very appreciate it if you can help me, best wishes to you!