hchiam / please

An experimental programming language (transpiler) to make it easier to write code with speech recognition.
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fix transformer.py to match expected output #56

Closed hchiam closed 7 years ago

hchiam commented 7 years ago


https://github.com/hchiam/please/blob/master/transformer.py version 8544d19: … … … Yay the import test_function() of test.py from the "library" folder works! Yay the import test_function() of test.py from the "library" folder works! index 1 of crazy list index 2 of crazy list index tree bark of crazy list array is [2, 3, 4] use array of numb pie on [2, 3, 4] output of array of numb pie is use array of numb pie on variable array


https://github.com/hchiam/please/blob/master/library/expected_output.md … … … Yay the import test_function() of test.py from the "library" folder works! Yay the import test_function() of test.py from the "library" folder works! 1 2 tree bark array is [2, 3, 4] use array of numb pie on [2, 3, 4] output of array of numb pie is [2, 3, 4]

hchiam commented 7 years ago

index + use (function) in print