We want the calendar to be intuitive, and not depend too much on clicking.
Much of the calendar is already handled from the calendar library, so ideally we implement keyboard shortcuts from scratch or with as few modules as possible.
These actions can be anything, like event creation, opening the settings page (if we have one by this point), closing the app, etc.
Time expected, skills , # people:
Solid JS knowledge of event listeners and you'll have to know how to call methods from the calendar library.
1-2 frontend people. Or all 3.
EASY AND ALREADY DONE: Do a super mini-project: when a user presses a key, print what key they pressed just for a few keys.
DONE-ISH: Figure out the structure of your code.
just link an external "keyboardshortcuts.js" file in the HTML and make changes there!
Choose your 3 actions and code them in. Can be hard-coded shortcuts for now. Allowing the user to change shortcuts is for a future issue:
[ ] Event creation on the selected day
[ ] Let the user use arrow keys to navigate to other days! (HARDER)
Time expected, skills , # people:
EASY AND ALREADY DONE: Do a super mini-project: when a user presses a key, print what key they pressed just for a few keys.
DONE-ISH: Figure out the structure of your code.
Choose your 3 actions and code them in. Can be hard-coded shortcuts for now. Allowing the user to change shortcuts is for a future issue:
[ ] Event creation on the selected day
[ ] Let the user use arrow keys to navigate to other days! (HARDER)
[ ] Open settings (DONE)