Avatar interface:Student and teacher-facing interface that allows the player to select their avatar from a set of preset images
Avatar is displayed in profile cards
Work on the Class interface branch after completing the class interface task from last week
Transfer code/functionality from profile interface branch to the class interface branch so that code is reused and efficient
Button that opens a modal that allows the student/teacher to select their avatar from a set of sprites. This should be a component of the profile interface (along with other edit-profile features).
Since the design is not done yet you can just use a the test sprites in Slack
Avatar should be displayed as part of profile interface as well as individual player profiles in the class interface
MUI will help with images + functionality
Avatar is stored as an int in the database. This is intentional so we can store the user's avatar setting as an int and keep the actual pictures in the local code, which are conditionally rendered based on the value of player.avatar
Avatar interface + functionality
Avatar interface: Student and teacher-facing interface that allows the player to select their avatar from a set of preset images
Avatar is displayed in profile cards
Work on the Class interface branch after completing the class interface task from last week
Transfer code/functionality from profile interface branch to the class interface branch so that code is reused and efficient