Complete the functionality for students to ask for help on a task, teachers to respond to those help requests, and students to send money gifts to one another
Help requests:
Student View: Add to task modal a text field + button for asking for help (Student View Main Page frame on Figma)
Teacher View: Add tab structure to Requests page and populate the Help Requests page with students' help requests
Display: name of task, task description, user name, user email, request information
Student View: To player modal in class page, add an option to gift that player an amount (int) of the current player's money
Teacher View: Add to settings page an option to enable/disable player gifting
Help requests:
Upon student asking for help, update the helpRequests collection accordingly
We are prepopulating the help request with task name and description instead of just the task ID, because that will save us a Firestore query when displaying
The request field should be whatever the student enters into the text field
Upon teacher responding, remove the corresponding entry from helpRequests and update student's messages with the response
Access the player's messages using the user field in the help request
Message can be something like: "For {taskName}, {teacherName} says: {teacherResponse}"
Conditionally display gifting UI based on doGifting boolean from database
Upon gift, update player balances accordingly
Make sure to check that the current player can afford it
Do field validation to make sure it's an int
Upon settings toggle, update doGifting boolean in database
Help Requests, Gifting
Complete the functionality for students to ask for help on a task, teachers to respond to those help requests, and students to send money gifts to one another
collection accordinglyhelpRequests
and update student's messages with the responseuser
field in the help requestdoGifting
boolean from databasedoGifting
boolean in database