hcts-hra / ziziphus

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[relations] integrate search field for w_ uuids in relationSet / add work relations #380

Open jodevelops opened 8 years ago

jodevelops commented 8 years ago

Integration of a search field in the relationSet of both WORK and IMAGE records' ziziphus edit interface that adresses the tamboti index of VRA Works in order to select work records and relate them to the record being edited. [Extension for work records only, see: #381 ]

submitting the selection of a work reads the uuid of the selected work and puts its value in the relid field.

idealiter, the search includes a thumbnail view of the work's preferred image, comparable with the gallery in the atomic wiki (elsewhere) and basic metadata information [title, artist, date].

A user should be able to search within all work records he_she has reading permission for.

Relations should always automatically be reciprocal as long as the editing user has writing permission for both records. See also: #382