hdima / python-syntax

Python syntax highlighting script for Vim
MIT License
364 stars 109 forks source link

Self cannot be highlight #10

Closed marslo closed 11 years ago

marslo commented 11 years ago


I install python-syntax by vundle:

Bundle 'hdima/python-syntax'

Add add the following setting in _vimrc

let python_highlight_all = 1

However, keyword cannot be shown. Color file which I used is: https://github.com/Marslo/marslo.vim/blob/master/colors/marslo256.vim

marslo commented 11 years ago

Okay, I fork your repo, and modified by myself.

hdima commented 11 years ago

The self is not highlighted because it's not a keyword but just a de facto name. Some people for example use s instead.

marslo commented 11 years ago

Thanks! My fault, :(