hdinsight / Iaas-Applications

Stores examples and utility scripts for Iaas Cluster Applications
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Add OpenTSDB as a fully managed Ambari service #5

Closed jamesbak closed 8 years ago

jamesbak commented 8 years ago

OPENTSDB.tar.gz This addition adds the preeminent OSS TSDB OpenTSDB as a fully managed Ambari service. It also adds ARM templates to automate the deployment of a cluster featuring this service.

Please add the attached tarball to https://hdiconfigactions.blob.core.windows.net/linuxhueconfigactionv01/OPENTSDB.tar.gz OPENTSDB.tar.gz

travismc1 commented 8 years ago

A few structural changes to where files are located and named to stay consistent. In general we want to follow the same guidelines / best practices as the azure quickstart gallery as best as possible: https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates. We don't stick to everything as strict as that repo does, but it at least helps to provide guidelines for ensuring the templates look the same.

So: -at the root under /OpenTSDB should be azuredeploy.json azuredeploy.parameters.json and readme -Scripts should stay in a subdirectory. Calling the subdirectory 'scripts' would be preferred to stay consistent with our other templates.

Everything else seems fine. Thanks for contributing!

jamesbak commented 8 years ago

Updated directory structure as per review comments