hdinsight / hdinsight-storm-examples

This is a repository for complete and easy to use samples that demonstrate the use of Apache Storm on HDInsight
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401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials. #14

Open fercho-ayala opened 8 years ago

fercho-ayala commented 8 years ago

SubmitStormTopology.ps1 does not work

I executed SubmitStormTopology.ps1 script and I got an error:

PS D:\GIT\hdinsight-storm-examples\scripts\storm> .\SubmitStormTopology.ps1 -ClusterUrl "https://server_storm_cluster.azurehdinsight.net" -ClusterUsername admin -ClusterPassword "my_password" -JarPath "D:\apache-storm-0.9.3\examples\storm-starter\target\storm-starter-0.9.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar" -ClassName "storm.starter.WordCountTopology"

This is the output:

2015-09-04T00:21:47.9364419-04:00 [ERROR] [SubmitStormTopology.ps1(ln:65)] - Exception encountered while invoking the [POST] rest method at: https://server_storm_cluster.azurehdinsight.net/StormDashboard/SubmitWasbJar Invoke-RestMethod : Server Error 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied. At D:\GIT\hdinsight-storm-examples\scripts\storm\SubmitStormTopology.ps1:51 char:17

2015-09-04T00:21:47.9964437-04:00 [ERROR] [SubmitStormTopology.ps1(ln:70)] - Topology submission encountered an error, please check logs for error information. Topology submission encountered an error, please check logs for error information. At D:\GIT\hdinsight-storm-examples\scripts\storm\SubmitStormTopology.ps1:71 char:5

The user/password is the same that I provided when I created Storm cluster in Azure HDInsight.

I'm able to login https://server_storm_cluster.azurehdinsight.net with the same credentials.

ravitandonrt commented 8 years ago

@fercho-ayala When you do not provide any argument to WordCountTopology it runs the topology in a local mode. You need to provide a name for your topology like "wordcount1" in the AdditionalParams

Can you try this command:

.\SubmitStormTopology.ps1 -ClusterUrl "https://server_storm_cluster.azurehdinsight.net" -ClusterUsername admin -ClusterPassword "my_password" -JarPath "D:\apache-storm-0.9.3\examples\storm-starter\target\storm-starter-0.9.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar" -ClassName "storm.starter.WordCountTopology" -AdditionalParams "your_topology_name"

Also from the error code it looks like you have hit an known issue right now: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/azure/en-US/52cf38a0-4c28-49df-ba15-1f1992d86ad1/submitting-a-storm-topology-generates-the-meaningless-error-an-error-occured-with-the-submission?forum=hdinsight#bf186df2-1c46-4569-8cee-ec7e26da2e42

fercho-ayala commented 8 years ago

I tried the command with AdditionalParams paramter and I got the same error:

PS D:\GIT\hdinsight-storm-examples\scripts\storm> .\SubmitStormTopology.ps1 -ClusterUrl "https://server_storm_cluster.azurehdinsight.net" -ClusterUsername admin -ClusterPassword "my_password" -JarPath "D:\apache-storm-0.9.3\examples\storm-starter\target\storm-starter-0.9.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar" -ClassName "storm.starter.WordCountTopology" -AdditionalParams "wordcount"

2015-09-10T13:51:58.3588814-04:00 [INFO] [SubmitStormTopology.ps1(ln:48)] - Sending POST request at: https://server_storm_cluster.azurehdinsight.net/StormDashboard/SubmitWasbJar 2015-09-10T13:52:02.1600341-04:00 [ERROR] [SubmitStormTopology.ps1(ln:65)] - Exception encountered while invoking the [POST] rest method at: https://server_storm_cluster.azurehdinsight.net/StormDashboard/SubmitWasbJar Invoke-RestMethod : Server Error 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied. At D:\GIT\hdinsight-storm-examples\scripts\storm\SubmitStormTopology.ps1:51 char:17

2015-09-10T13:52:02.2100361-04:00 [ERROR] [SubmitStormTopology.ps1(ln:70)] - Topology submission encountered an error, please check logs for error information. Topology submission encountered an error, please check logs for error information. At D:\GIT\hdinsight-storm-examples\scripts\storm\SubmitStormTopology.ps1:71 char:5

Shachar1 commented 8 years ago

Hey, I'm getting the similar error even when I've added the Topology name in AdditionalParams.

2016-04-18T14:32:23.8502312+03:00 [ERROR] [SubmitStormTopologyWindows.ps1(ln:64)] - Exception encountered while invoking the [POST] rest method at: https://***/StormDashboard/SubmitWasbJar Invoke-RestMethod : Server Error 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied. At C:\StormDeploy\hdinsight-storm-examples-master\scripts\storm\SubmitStormTopologyWindows.ps1:50 char:17

2016-04-18T14:32:23.9152349+03:00 [ERROR] [SubmitStormTopologyWindows.ps1(ln:69)] - Topology submission encountered an e rror, please check logs for error information. Topology submission encountered an error, please check logs for error information. At C:\StormDeploy\hdinsight-storm-examples-master\scripts\storm\SubmitStormTopologyWindows.ps1:70 char:5