hdinsight / hdinsight-storm-examples

This is a repository for complete and easy to use samples that demonstrate the use of Apache Storm on HDInsight
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"Cannot get Storage Key" exception thrown #19

Open bcraun opened 8 years ago

bcraun commented 8 years ago

Am trying to stand up the cluster using the PS prepare.ps1 script and am seeing the following error. Have tried multiple times. Any ideas?

2016-07-07T07:46:36.7815892-07:00 [INFO] [CreateStorageAccountARM.ps1(ln:54)] - Getting Storage Key for iot201607070742
2016-07-07T07:46:37.0940803-07:00 [INFO] [CreateStorageAccountARM.ps1(ln:59)] - Storage Account: iot201607070742 successfully created in Resource Group: iot-group-201607
070742 at Location: Central US. Time: 33.2957405 secs
Cannot get Storage Key
At C:\projects\hdinsight-storm-examples\scripts\azure\CreateAzureResources.ps1:207 char:5
+     throw "Cannot get Storage Key"
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Cannot get Storage Key:String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Cannot get Storage Key

PS C:\projects\hdinsight-storm-examples\IotExample>
davidrpk commented 7 years ago

The new version of Azure Powershell returns the Storage Key in a slightly different format. See here for more info: http://www.codeisahighway.com/breaking-change-with-get-azurermstorageaccountkey-in-azurerm-storage-v1-1-0-azurerm-v1-4-0/

To get around this modify line 55 in scripts\azure\Storage\CreateStorageAccountARM.ps1 to the following:

$PrimaryKey = $(Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -StorageAccountName $AccountName)[0].Value