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Mac #89

Open hdknr opened 6 years ago

hdknr commented 6 years ago
hdknr commented 6 years ago

どこでも My Mac

2018-06-24 15 02 03
$ ps ax | grep awa
26295   ??  Ss     0:00.12 /usr/libexec/awacsd
awacsd(8)                 BSD System Manager's Manual                awacsd(8)

     awacsd -- Apple Wide Area Connectivity Service daemon

     awacsd [-fuh] [-d logfile] [-t timer]

     awacsd is an executable invoked by launchd to facilitate connections between devices using Back to My Mac. Users cannot invoke awacsd from the command line.

     The options are as follows:

     -f      Do not filter packets

     -u      Do not attempt UDP hole punching

     -h      Do not attempt TLS hostname verification

     -d logfile
             Log verbose debugging messages to the specified file.

     -t timer
             Set keepalive timer to specified number of seconds.



     awacsd first appeared in Mac OS X 10.6.5.

Darwin                           June 24, 2018                          Darwin