hdl / bazel_rules_hdl

Hardware Description Language (Verilog, VHDL, Chisel, nMigen, etc) with open tools (Yosys, Verilator, OpenROAD, etc) rules for Bazel (https://bazel.build)
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request: create a small example project for OpenROAD asap7 #207

Open oharboe opened 9 months ago

oharboe commented 9 months ago

It would be great to have an example project on how to use bazel_rules_hdl for OpenROAD and asap7.

mithro commented 8 months ago

I agree.

proppy commented 8 months ago

I think @lpawelcz recently did something for https://github.com/google/xls/pull/1031, it should be possible to generalize as a more generic example.

lpawelcz commented 8 months ago

Hi, there are some examples in //synthesis/tests. Please take a look at BUILD file, there are 2 simple examples of physical design flow which use OpenROAD. One targets SKY130, the other ASAP7. For example bazel build //synthesis/tests:counter_asap7_asic will run physical design flow targeting ASAP7 on counter design. When it comes to the configuration, PDK is specified in synthesize_rtl rule with standard_cells attribute.

mithro commented 8 months ago

There are;



oharboe commented 8 months ago

There are;




Does any of these create a macro that is used by a subsequent design?

QuantamHD commented 8 months ago

@oharboe That's not something we've built yet, but it wouldn't be too hard to accommodate. Do you have a motivating use case?

oharboe commented 8 months ago

@oharboe That's not something we've built yet, but it wouldn't be too hard to accommodate. Do you have a motivating use case?

👍 To support such macro artifacts was my motivation for creating a wafer thin Bazel layer on top of ORFS + I also need the ORFS make issue feature.

We have also started to use bazel_rules_hdl to build Verilaror binaries.

oharboe commented 8 months ago

Another use-case that I am trying to add to my wafer thin layer on top of Bazel is to be able to view DRC reports.

Is this something that is supported with bazel_rules_hdl?

I.e. when global routing fails, I want to start the OpenROAD GUI and load the congestion.rpt file in the DRC viewer.

[ERROR GRT-0119] Routing congestion too high. Check the congestion heatmap in the GUI and load bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin//build/reports/asap7/BoomCore/base/congestion.rpt in the DRC viewer.
Error: global_route.tcl, 27 GRT-0119
Command exited with non-zero status 1