he0119 / nonebot-plugin-wordcloud

适用于 NoneBot2 的词云插件
MIT License
83 stars 7 forks source link

Bug: 如果与 petpet 或者 bison 一起使用,会导致内存泄漏 #99

Open he0119 opened 1 year ago

he0119 commented 1 year ago
(coolqbot-py3.10) @he0119 ➜ /workspaces/CoolQBot (master) $ python -m memory_profiler bot.py
01-30 02:09:07 [SUCCESS] nonebot | NoneBot is initializing...
01-30 02:09:07 [INFO] nonebot | Current Env: prod
01-30 02:09:09 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to import "nonebot_plugin_apscheduler"
01-30 02:09:10 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to import "nonebot_plugin_localstore"
01-30 02:09:10 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to import "nonebot_plugin_datastore"
01-30 02:09:10 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to import "nonebot_plugin_chatrecorder"
01-30 02:09:13 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to import "nonebot_plugin_wordcloud"
01-30 02:09:13 [WARNING] __main__ | Always use `nb run` to start the bot instead of manually running!
01-30 02:09:13 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Running NoneBot...
01-30 02:09:13 [INFO] uvicorn | Started server process [22783]
01-30 02:09:13 [INFO] uvicorn | Waiting for application startup.
01-30 02:09:13 [INFO] nonebot_plugin_apscheduler | Scheduler Started
01-30 02:09:13 [INFO] nonebot_plugin_datastore | 数据库初始化完成
01-30 02:09:13 [INFO] uvicorn | Application startup complete.
01-30 02:09:13 [INFO] uvicorn | Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
01-30 02:09:16 [INFO] uvicorn | ('', 35506) - "WebSocket /onebot/v11/" [accepted]
01-30 02:09:16 [INFO] nonebot | OneBot V11 | Bot 28******70 connected
01-30 02:09:16 [INFO] websockets | connection open
01-30 02:09:18 [SUCCESS] nonebot | OneBot V11 28******70 | [message.group.normal]: Message -1522094400 from 417****20@[群:764****76] "/今日词云"
01-30 02:09:18 [INFO] nonebot | Event will be handled by Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud)
Building prefix dict from the default dictionary ...
Loading model from cache /tmp/jieba.cache
Loading model cost 1.318 seconds.
Prefix dict has been built successfully.
Filename: /home/codespace/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/coolqbot-GLv7R7ai-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nonebot_plugin_wordcloud/data_source.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment  Occurrences   Line Contents
    57    203.4 MiB    203.4 MiB           1   @run_sync
    58                                         @profile
    59                                         def get_wordcloud(
    60                                             messages: List[str], mask_key: Optional[str] = None
    61                                         ) -> Optional[BytesIO]:
    62                                             # 过滤掉命令
    63    203.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           5       command_start = tuple([i for i in global_config.command_start if i])
    64    203.4 MiB      0.0 MiB          43       message = " ".join([m for m in messages if not m.startswith(command_start)])
    65                                             # 预处理
    66    205.0 MiB      1.6 MiB           1       message = pre_precess(message)
    67                                             # 分析消息。分词,并统计词频
    68    281.2 MiB     76.2 MiB           1       frequency = analyse_message(message)
    69    281.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       try:
    70    288.2 MiB      7.0 MiB           2           wordcloud = WordCloud(
    71    281.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               font_path=str(plugin_config.wordcloud_font_path),
    72    281.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               width=plugin_config.wordcloud_width,
    73    281.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               height=plugin_config.wordcloud_height,
    74    281.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               background_color=plugin_config.wordcloud_background_color,
    75    281.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               colormap=plugin_config.wordcloud_colormap,
    76    281.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               mask=get_mask(mask_key),
    77                                                 )
    78    342.6 MiB     54.4 MiB           1           image = wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(frequency).to_image()
    79    342.6 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image_bytes = BytesIO()
    80    342.8 MiB      0.3 MiB           1           image.save(image_bytes, format="PNG")
    81    342.8 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           return image_bytes
    82                                             except ValueError:
    83                                                 pass

01-30 02:09:28 [INFO] nonebot | Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud) running complete
01-30 02:09:32 [SUCCESS] nonebot | OneBot V11 28******70 | [message.group.normal]: Message 1123976135 from 417****20@[群:764****76] "/今日词云"
01-30 02:09:32 [INFO] nonebot | Event will be handled by Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud)
Filename: /home/codespace/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/coolqbot-GLv7R7ai-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nonebot_plugin_wordcloud/data_source.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment  Occurrences   Line Contents
    57    343.2 MiB    343.2 MiB           1   @run_sync
    58                                         @profile
    59                                         def get_wordcloud(
    60                                             messages: List[str], mask_key: Optional[str] = None
    61                                         ) -> Optional[BytesIO]:
    62                                             # 过滤掉命令
    63    343.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           5       command_start = tuple([i for i in global_config.command_start if i])
    64    343.2 MiB      0.0 MiB          44       message = " ".join([m for m in messages if not m.startswith(command_start)])
    65                                             # 预处理
    66    343.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       message = pre_precess(message)
    67                                             # 分析消息。分词,并统计词频
    68    343.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       frequency = analyse_message(message)
    69    343.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       try:
    70    343.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           2           wordcloud = WordCloud(
    71    343.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               font_path=str(plugin_config.wordcloud_font_path),
    72    343.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               width=plugin_config.wordcloud_width,
    73    343.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               height=plugin_config.wordcloud_height,
    74    343.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               background_color=plugin_config.wordcloud_background_color,
    75    343.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               colormap=plugin_config.wordcloud_colormap,
    76    343.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               mask=get_mask(mask_key),
    77                                                 )
    78    343.5 MiB      0.3 MiB           1           image = wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(frequency).to_image()
    79    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image_bytes = BytesIO()
    80    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image.save(image_bytes, format="PNG")
    81    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           return image_bytes
    82                                             except ValueError:
    83                                                 pass

01-30 02:09:39 [INFO] nonebot | Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud) running complete
01-30 02:09:42 [SUCCESS] nonebot | OneBot V11 28******70 | [message.group.normal]: Message -1675240821 from 417****20@[群:764****76] "/今日词云"
01-30 02:09:42 [INFO] nonebot | Event will be handled by Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud)
Filename: /home/codespace/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/coolqbot-GLv7R7ai-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nonebot_plugin_wordcloud/data_source.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment  Occurrences   Line Contents
    57    343.5 MiB    343.5 MiB           1   @run_sync
    58                                         @profile
    59                                         def get_wordcloud(
    60                                             messages: List[str], mask_key: Optional[str] = None
    61                                         ) -> Optional[BytesIO]:
    62                                             # 过滤掉命令
    63    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           5       command_start = tuple([i for i in global_config.command_start if i])
    64    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB          45       message = " ".join([m for m in messages if not m.startswith(command_start)])
    65                                             # 预处理
    66    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       message = pre_precess(message)
    67                                             # 分析消息。分词,并统计词频
    68    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       frequency = analyse_message(message)
    69    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       try:
    70    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           2           wordcloud = WordCloud(
    71    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               font_path=str(plugin_config.wordcloud_font_path),
    72    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               width=plugin_config.wordcloud_width,
    73    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               height=plugin_config.wordcloud_height,
    74    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               background_color=plugin_config.wordcloud_background_color,
    75    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               colormap=plugin_config.wordcloud_colormap,
    76    343.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               mask=get_mask(mask_key),
    77                                                 )
    78    355.5 MiB     12.0 MiB           1           image = wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(frequency).to_image()
    79    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image_bytes = BytesIO()
    80    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image.save(image_bytes, format="PNG")
    81    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           return image_bytes
    82                                             except ValueError:
    83                                                 pass

01-30 02:09:49 [INFO] nonebot | Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud) running complete
01-30 02:09:50 [SUCCESS] nonebot | OneBot V11 28******70 | [message.group.normal]: Message 1915468711 from 417****20@[群:764****76] "/今日词云"
01-30 02:09:50 [INFO] nonebot | Event will be handled by Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud)
Filename: /home/codespace/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/coolqbot-GLv7R7ai-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nonebot_plugin_wordcloud/data_source.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment  Occurrences   Line Contents
    57    355.5 MiB    355.5 MiB           1   @run_sync
    58                                         @profile
    59                                         def get_wordcloud(
    60                                             messages: List[str], mask_key: Optional[str] = None
    61                                         ) -> Optional[BytesIO]:
    62                                             # 过滤掉命令
    63    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           5       command_start = tuple([i for i in global_config.command_start if i])
    64    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB          46       message = " ".join([m for m in messages if not m.startswith(command_start)])
    65                                             # 预处理
    66    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       message = pre_precess(message)
    67                                             # 分析消息。分词,并统计词频
    68    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       frequency = analyse_message(message)
    69    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       try:
    70    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           2           wordcloud = WordCloud(
    71    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               font_path=str(plugin_config.wordcloud_font_path),
    72    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               width=plugin_config.wordcloud_width,
    73    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               height=plugin_config.wordcloud_height,
    74    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               background_color=plugin_config.wordcloud_background_color,
    75    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               colormap=plugin_config.wordcloud_colormap,
    76    355.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               mask=get_mask(mask_key),
    77                                                 )
    78    358.3 MiB      2.8 MiB           1           image = wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(frequency).to_image()
    79    358.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image_bytes = BytesIO()
    80    358.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image.save(image_bytes, format="PNG")
    81    358.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           return image_bytes
    82                                             except ValueError:
    83                                                 pass

01-30 02:09:57 [INFO] nonebot | Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud) running complete
01-30 02:10:06 [SUCCESS] nonebot | OneBot V11 28******70 | [message.group.normal]: Message -1689772398 from 417****20@[群:764****76] "/今日词云"
01-30 02:10:06 [INFO] nonebot | Event will be handled by Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud)
Filename: /home/codespace/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/coolqbot-GLv7R7ai-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nonebot_plugin_wordcloud/data_source.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment  Occurrences   Line Contents
    57    355.4 MiB    355.4 MiB           1   @run_sync
    58                                         @profile
    59                                         def get_wordcloud(
    60                                             messages: List[str], mask_key: Optional[str] = None
    61                                         ) -> Optional[BytesIO]:
    62                                             # 过滤掉命令
    63    355.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           5       command_start = tuple([i for i in global_config.command_start if i])
    64    355.4 MiB      0.0 MiB          47       message = " ".join([m for m in messages if not m.startswith(command_start)])
    65                                             # 预处理
    66    355.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       message = pre_precess(message)
    67                                             # 分析消息。分词,并统计词频
    68    355.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       frequency = analyse_message(message)
    69    355.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       try:
    70    355.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           2           wordcloud = WordCloud(
    71    355.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               font_path=str(plugin_config.wordcloud_font_path),
    72    355.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               width=plugin_config.wordcloud_width,
    73    355.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               height=plugin_config.wordcloud_height,
    74    355.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               background_color=plugin_config.wordcloud_background_color,
    75    355.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               colormap=plugin_config.wordcloud_colormap,
    76    355.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               mask=get_mask(mask_key),
    77                                                 )
    78    355.7 MiB      0.4 MiB           1           image = wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(frequency).to_image()
    79    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image_bytes = BytesIO()
    80    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image.save(image_bytes, format="PNG")
    81    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           return image_bytes
    82                                             except ValueError:
    83                                                 pass

01-30 02:10:12 [INFO] nonebot | Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud) running complete
01-30 02:10:19 [SUCCESS] nonebot | OneBot V11 28******70 | [message.group.normal]: Message 1967554494 from 417****20@[群:764****76] "/今日词云"
01-30 02:10:19 [INFO] nonebot | Event will be handled by Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud)
Filename: /home/codespace/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/coolqbot-GLv7R7ai-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nonebot_plugin_wordcloud/data_source.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment  Occurrences   Line Contents
    57    355.7 MiB    355.7 MiB           1   @run_sync
    58                                         @profile
    59                                         def get_wordcloud(
    60                                             messages: List[str], mask_key: Optional[str] = None
    61                                         ) -> Optional[BytesIO]:
    62                                             # 过滤掉命令
    63    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           5       command_start = tuple([i for i in global_config.command_start if i])
    64    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB          48       message = " ".join([m for m in messages if not m.startswith(command_start)])
    65                                             # 预处理
    66    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       message = pre_precess(message)
    67                                             # 分析消息。分词,并统计词频
    68    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       frequency = analyse_message(message)
    69    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       try:
    70    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           2           wordcloud = WordCloud(
    71    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               font_path=str(plugin_config.wordcloud_font_path),
    72    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               width=plugin_config.wordcloud_width,
    73    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               height=plugin_config.wordcloud_height,
    74    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               background_color=plugin_config.wordcloud_background_color,
    75    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               colormap=plugin_config.wordcloud_colormap,
    76    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               mask=get_mask(mask_key),
    77                                                 )
    78    355.7 MiB     -0.0 MiB           1           image = wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(frequency).to_image()
    79    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image_bytes = BytesIO()
    80    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image.save(image_bytes, format="PNG")
    81    355.7 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           return image_bytes
    82                                             except ValueError:
    83                                                 pass

01-30 02:10:25 [INFO] nonebot | Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud) running complete
与 petpet 一起使用
(coolqbot-py3.10) @he0119 ➜ /workspaces/CoolQBot (master) $ python -m memory_profiler bot.py
01-30 02:07:46 [SUCCESS] nonebot | NoneBot is initializing...
01-30 02:07:46 [INFO] nonebot | Current Env: prod
01-30 02:07:53 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to import "nonebot_plugin_imageutils"
01-30 02:07:57 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to import "nonebot_plugin_petpet"
01-30 02:07:57 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to import "nonebot_plugin_apscheduler"
01-30 02:07:58 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to import "nonebot_plugin_localstore"
01-30 02:07:59 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to import "nonebot_plugin_datastore"
01-30 02:07:59 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to import "nonebot_plugin_chatrecorder"
01-30 02:08:01 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Succeeded to import "nonebot_plugin_wordcloud"
01-30 02:08:01 [WARNING] __main__ | Always use `nb run` to start the bot instead of manually running!
01-30 02:08:01 [SUCCESS] nonebot | Running NoneBot...
01-30 02:08:02 [INFO] uvicorn | Started server process [21989]
01-30 02:08:02 [INFO] uvicorn | Waiting for application startup.
01-30 02:08:02 [INFO] nonebot_plugin_petpet | 正在检查资源文件...
01-30 02:08:02 [INFO] nonebot_plugin_apscheduler | Scheduler Started
01-30 02:08:02 [INFO] nonebot_plugin_datastore | 数据库初始化完成
01-30 02:08:02 [INFO] uvicorn | Application startup complete.
01-30 02:08:02 [INFO] uvicorn | Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
01-30 02:08:06 [INFO] uvicorn | ('', 55988) - "WebSocket /onebot/v11/" [accepted]
01-30 02:08:06 [INFO] nonebot | OneBot V11 | Bot 28******70 connected
01-30 02:08:06 [INFO] websockets | connection open
01-30 02:08:07 [SUCCESS] nonebot | OneBot V11 28******70 | [message.group.normal]: Message 1541780102 from 417****20@[群:764****76] "/今日词云"
01-30 02:08:07 [INFO] nonebot | Event will be handled by Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud)
Building prefix dict from the default dictionary ...
Loading model from cache /tmp/jieba.cache
Loading model cost 0.708 seconds.
Prefix dict has been built successfully.
Filename: /home/codespace/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/coolqbot-GLv7R7ai-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nonebot_plugin_wordcloud/data_source.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment  Occurrences   Line Contents
    57    230.2 MiB    230.2 MiB           1   @run_sync
    58                                         @profile
    59                                         def get_wordcloud(
    60                                             messages: List[str], mask_key: Optional[str] = None
    61                                         ) -> Optional[BytesIO]:
    62                                             # 过滤掉命令
    63    230.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           5       command_start = tuple([i for i in global_config.command_start if i])
    64    230.2 MiB      0.0 MiB          39       message = " ".join([m for m in messages if not m.startswith(command_start)])
    65                                             # 预处理
    66    231.8 MiB      1.5 MiB           1       message = pre_precess(message)
    67                                             # 分析消息。分词,并统计词频
    68    308.4 MiB     76.6 MiB           1       frequency = analyse_message(message)
    69    308.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       try:
    70    314.8 MiB      6.5 MiB           2           wordcloud = WordCloud(
    71    308.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               font_path=str(plugin_config.wordcloud_font_path),
    72    308.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               width=plugin_config.wordcloud_width,
    73    308.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               height=plugin_config.wordcloud_height,
    74    308.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               background_color=plugin_config.wordcloud_background_color,
    75    308.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               colormap=plugin_config.wordcloud_colormap,
    76    308.4 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               mask=get_mask(mask_key),
    77                                                 )
    78    369.9 MiB     55.1 MiB           1           image = wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(frequency).to_image()
    79    369.9 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image_bytes = BytesIO()
    80    370.2 MiB      0.3 MiB           1           image.save(image_bytes, format="PNG")
    81    370.2 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           return image_bytes
    82                                             except ValueError:
    83                                                 pass

01-30 02:08:18 [INFO] nonebot | Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud) running complete
01-30 02:08:22 [SUCCESS] nonebot | OneBot V11 28******70 | [message.group.normal]: Message 1277496309 from 417****20@[群:764****76] "/今日词云"
01-30 02:08:22 [INFO] nonebot | Event will be handled by Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud)
Filename: /home/codespace/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/coolqbot-GLv7R7ai-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nonebot_plugin_wordcloud/data_source.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment  Occurrences   Line Contents
    57    342.3 MiB    342.3 MiB           1   @run_sync
    58                                         @profile
    59                                         def get_wordcloud(
    60                                             messages: List[str], mask_key: Optional[str] = None
    61                                         ) -> Optional[BytesIO]:
    62                                             # 过滤掉命令
    63    342.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           5       command_start = tuple([i for i in global_config.command_start if i])
    64    342.3 MiB      0.0 MiB          40       message = " ".join([m for m in messages if not m.startswith(command_start)])
    65                                             # 预处理
    66    342.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       message = pre_precess(message)
    67                                             # 分析消息。分词,并统计词频
    68    342.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       frequency = analyse_message(message)
    69    342.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       try:
    70    342.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           2           wordcloud = WordCloud(
    71    342.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               font_path=str(plugin_config.wordcloud_font_path),
    72    342.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               width=plugin_config.wordcloud_width,
    73    342.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               height=plugin_config.wordcloud_height,
    74    342.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               background_color=plugin_config.wordcloud_background_color,
    75    342.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               colormap=plugin_config.wordcloud_colormap,
    76    342.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               mask=get_mask(mask_key),
    77                                                 )
    78    403.3 MiB     61.1 MiB           1           image = wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(frequency).to_image()
    79    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image_bytes = BytesIO()
    80    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image.save(image_bytes, format="PNG")
    81    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           return image_bytes
    82                                             except ValueError:
    83                                                 pass

01-30 02:08:29 [INFO] nonebot | Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud) running complete
01-30 02:08:38 [SUCCESS] nonebot | OneBot V11 28******70 | [message.group.normal]: Message -1574212903 from 417****20@[群:764****76] "/今日词云"
01-30 02:08:38 [INFO] nonebot | Event will be handled by Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud)
Filename: /home/codespace/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/coolqbot-GLv7R7ai-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nonebot_plugin_wordcloud/data_source.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment  Occurrences   Line Contents
    57    403.3 MiB    403.3 MiB           1   @run_sync
    58                                         @profile
    59                                         def get_wordcloud(
    60                                             messages: List[str], mask_key: Optional[str] = None
    61                                         ) -> Optional[BytesIO]:
    62                                             # 过滤掉命令
    63    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           5       command_start = tuple([i for i in global_config.command_start if i])
    64    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB          41       message = " ".join([m for m in messages if not m.startswith(command_start)])
    65                                             # 预处理
    66    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       message = pre_precess(message)
    67                                             # 分析消息。分词,并统计词频
    68    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       frequency = analyse_message(message)
    69    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       try:
    70    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           2           wordcloud = WordCloud(
    71    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               font_path=str(plugin_config.wordcloud_font_path),
    72    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               width=plugin_config.wordcloud_width,
    73    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               height=plugin_config.wordcloud_height,
    74    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               background_color=plugin_config.wordcloud_background_color,
    75    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               colormap=plugin_config.wordcloud_colormap,
    76    403.3 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               mask=get_mask(mask_key),
    77                                                 )
    78    463.5 MiB     60.2 MiB           1           image = wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(frequency).to_image()
    79    463.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image_bytes = BytesIO()
    80    463.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image.save(image_bytes, format="PNG")
    81    463.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           return image_bytes
    82                                             except ValueError:
    83                                                 pass

01-30 02:08:43 [INFO] nonebot | Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud) running complete
01-30 02:08:48 [SUCCESS] nonebot | OneBot V11 28******70 | [message.group.normal]: Message 1263063020 from 417****20@[群:764****76] "/今日词云"
01-30 02:08:48 [INFO] nonebot | Event will be handled by Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud)
Filename: /home/codespace/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/coolqbot-GLv7R7ai-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/nonebot_plugin_wordcloud/data_source.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment  Occurrences   Line Contents
    57    461.9 MiB    461.9 MiB           1   @run_sync
    58                                         @profile
    59                                         def get_wordcloud(
    60                                             messages: List[str], mask_key: Optional[str] = None
    61                                         ) -> Optional[BytesIO]:
    62                                             # 过滤掉命令
    63    461.9 MiB      0.0 MiB           5       command_start = tuple([i for i in global_config.command_start if i])
    64    461.9 MiB      0.0 MiB          42       message = " ".join([m for m in messages if not m.startswith(command_start)])
    65                                             # 预处理
    66    461.9 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       message = pre_precess(message)
    67                                             # 分析消息。分词,并统计词频
    68    461.9 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       frequency = analyse_message(message)
    69    461.9 MiB      0.0 MiB           1       try:
    70    461.9 MiB      0.0 MiB           2           wordcloud = WordCloud(
    71    461.9 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               font_path=str(plugin_config.wordcloud_font_path),
    72    461.9 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               width=plugin_config.wordcloud_width,
    73    461.9 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               height=plugin_config.wordcloud_height,
    74    461.9 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               background_color=plugin_config.wordcloud_background_color,
    75    461.9 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               colormap=plugin_config.wordcloud_colormap,
    76    461.9 MiB      0.0 MiB           1               mask=get_mask(mask_key),
    77                                                 )
    78    520.5 MiB     58.7 MiB           1           image = wordcloud.generate_from_frequencies(frequency).to_image()
    79    520.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image_bytes = BytesIO()
    80    520.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           image.save(image_bytes, format="PNG")
    81    520.5 MiB      0.0 MiB           1           return image_bytes
    82                                             except ValueError:
    83                                                 pass

01-30 02:08:55 [INFO] nonebot | Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_wordcloud) running complete
he0119 commented 1 year ago

通过分析,每次线程池新开一个线程之后,内存的使用就会增加固定数值(约 60 MB)。