he1per / psmouse-dkms-alpsv7

Linux kernel driver for newer ALPS touchpads (as of Mar 2014)
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Installation if psmouse-dkms-alpsv7 fails on Lenovo Z510 #2

Closed mynameisnotimportant closed 9 years ago

mynameisnotimportant commented 10 years ago


this solution doesn't work on my machine. I'm not very experienced in such things, pls help me.

dmesg output "psmouse serio1: alps: Unknown ALPS touchpad: E7=73 03 0a, EC=88 b6 06" led me here.

When following the instructions, this is what happens:

[me@localhost /]$ cd /tmp

[me@localhost tmp]$ git clone http://github.com/he1per/psmouse-dkms-alpsv7 Klone nach 'psmouse-dkms-alpsv7'... remote: Reusing existing pack: 87, done. remote: Total 87 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (87/87), done. Prüfe Konnektivität... Fertig.

Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/psmouse-dkms-alpsv7/1.0/source -> /usr/src/psmouse-dkms-alpsv7-1.0

DKMS: add completed. Error! echo Your kernel headers for kernel 3.13.5-200.fc20.x86_64 cannot be found at /lib/modules/3.13.5-200.fc20.x86_64/build or /lib/modules/3.13.5-200.fc20.x86_64/source. ▶▶▶▶ Error: Build failed

reboot doesn't change anything.

Trying to install again, it seems as if it was installed...:

[me@localhost psmouse-dkms-alpsv7]$ sudo ./install.sh ────── Building with dkms ───────

Error! DKMS tree already contains: psmouse-dkms-alpsv7-1.0 You cannot add the same module/version combo more than once. Error! echo Your kernel headers for kernel 3.13.5-200.fc20.x86_64 cannot be found at /lib/modules/3.13.5-200.fc20.x86_64/build or /lib/modules/3.13.5-200.fc20.x86_64/source. ▶▶▶▶ Error: Build failed

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance!

ismaelbej commented 10 years ago

The error message is saying that you are missing the kernel headers, for the installed kernel. You didn't mention which distribution you are using, but you have to install a package named linux-headers or something simlilar.

alehandrof commented 10 years ago

FWIW, the error also indicates that the module has been installed before. You need to remove it prior to reinstallation:

sudo dkms remove psmouse-dkms-alpsv7/1.0 --all

(I still haven't gotten the module to work, but I think have its removal down :)

he1per commented 9 years ago

Thanks! @alehandrof , I think you are already using some of the new patches from vincek, nonetheless try the new version and see if things work for you.

he1per commented 9 years ago

To the OP: you need to add linux-headers like @alehandrof mentioned.

alehandrof commented 9 years ago

@he1per FWIW I've been using 3.17+ versions of the kernel where this patch is not required for my device (Toshiba Z30-A)

Because a lot of the documentation on the internet points to this patch as a solution for getting ALPS to work, do you maybe want to add a word on the README about the fact that newer kernels do support it?

I found it easier to just stay on top of the Ubuntu mainline kernels.

(Just an idea; that's why I didn't open an issue for this.)

he1per commented 9 years ago

Hi @alehandrof, thanks. I'll put something on the readme for the Toshiba Z30-A , the patch is needed for some other machines still.

alehandrof commented 9 years ago

I wasn't aware of that. Ignore my request.