headlamp-k8s / headlamp

A Kubernetes web UI that is fully-featured, user-friendly and extensible
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Improve UX for CRs #955

Open gberche-orange opened 1 year ago

gberche-orange commented 1 year ago

Expected behavior

As an headlamp user In order to list/read/edit/update/delete custom resources I need headlamp to make it as easy to deal with CR than with built-in K8S resources

See related screenshots of current similar support in lens that leverages the CRDs additionalPrinterColumns to display the CR fields to display in the table view

image image image

See related snapshots in k9s image browsing down provides the describe view image or the full yaml view

See related snapshot of structural schema support for creating/updating CRs in openshift openshift2

Current behavior

In version 1.25.3, it is hard to discover CRs are indeed listed:

Once one the CRD list image The CRD page displays some details of the CRD image and only after scrolling at the bottom of the page, the CR are displayed in the "Objects" section imagebut without honoring the additionalPrinterColumn image


Suggested enhancements

Guilamb commented 5 months ago

Hello, I'm part of @gberche-orange team, and I'm in charge of finding a Webui to consume custom [Crossplane] K8S CR apis.

After looking up to multiple services, we've choosen to use Headlamp.

Our needs are :

Ultimately, our objective is to use Headlamp as an interface for our clients to provision themselves with services through Crossplane.

And as a tool to demonstrate service provisionning as service provider.

To develop and integrate the missing parts to fulfill our needs, which would include imo:

I've created the following mockup on Figma : https://www.figma.com/proto/qvLeAUXzq6AmSTj6U00e1G/Headlamp?type=design&node-id=14-1629&t=4ks8Wf5TSZBWU2Mw-1&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=14%3A1629&mode=design

For now, I don't know whether I should contribute these changes in the form of a plugin or directly as PR on Headlamp itself. I've already played a bit with the plugins which are great, and I think it would be sufficient for our needs, but contributing those changes, could benefit Headlamp's UX regarding Custom Resources.

joaquimrocha commented 5 months ago

Hi @Guilamb . I'm happy to see you chose Headlamp. Regarding the needs you suggest for the CR/CRDs, at first glance I think they are changes that would benefit all users of Headlamp and therefore they could be in Headlamp Base (core, not a plugin).

Let me look in more detail at the mockup you provide and I should check with our design team but I think these are great changes that will improve the CRs UX and I'm looking forward to having them.