headmelted / codebuilds

Community builds of Visual Studio Code for Chromebooks and Raspberry Pi
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File / string search does not work #113

Open BuZZ-dEE opened 4 years ago

BuZZ-dEE commented 4 years ago

Issue Type: Performance Issue

E.g. if I search for enableIvy it search never ends. If have the file open which contains the string, it finds the searched string.

This does also not work if I start using code --disable-extensions.

VS Code version: Code - OSS (headmelted) 1.45.0 (6526fe0a1ade9d8f6e566811f4118191b84bf9f7, 2020-04-06T01:18:18.655Z) OS version: Linux arm 4.4.213

System Info |Item|Value| |---|---| |CPUs|ARMv8 Processor rev 4 (v8l) (6 x 1512)| |GPU Status|2d_canvas: unavailable_software
flash_3d: disabled_software
flash_stage3d: disabled_software
flash_stage3d_baseline: disabled_software
gpu_compositing: disabled_software
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
oop_rasterization: disabled_off
protected_video_decode: disabled_off
rasterization: disabled_software
skia_renderer: disabled_off_ok
video_decode: disabled_software
viz_display_compositor: enabled_on
viz_hit_test_surface_layer: disabled_off_ok
webgl: unavailable_software
webgl2: unavailable_software| |Load (avg)|7, 7, 8| |Memory (System)|3.78GB (0.12GB free)| |Process Argv|--no-sandbox --unity-launch| |Screen Reader|no| |VM|0%|
Process Info ``` CPU % Mem MB PID Process 0 70 5280 code-oss main 0 4 5282 zygote 0 31 5338 utility 0 54 5430 gpu-process 0 58 5438 shared-process 0 0 11065 /bin/sh -c /bin/ps -ax -o pid=,ppid=,pcpu=,pmem=,command= 0 0 11066 /bin/ps -ax -o pid=,ppid=,pcpu=,pmem=,command= 2 252 5593 window (settings.json - web-photo-service - Code - OSS (headmelted)) 0 116 5614 extensionHost 0 54 7542 /usr/share/code-oss/code-oss /usr/share/code-oss/resources/app/extensions/json-language-features/server/dist/jsonServerMain --node-ipc --clientProcessId=5614 0 54 9879 /usr/share/code-oss/code-oss /usr/share/code-oss/resources/app/extensions/html-language-features/server/dist/htmlServerMain --node-ipc --clientProcessId=5614 0 85 9880 /usr/share/code-oss/code-oss /home/buzz-dee/.vscode-oss/extensions/angular.ng-template-0.901.3/server --logFile /home/buzz-dee/.config/Code - OSS (headmelted)/logs/20200424T235125/exthost1/Angular.ng-template/nglangsvc.log --logVerbosity terse --ngProbeLocations /home/buzz-dee/.vscode-oss/extensions/angular.ng-template-0.901.3/server,/home/buzz-dee/Workspace/web-photo-service --tsProbeLocations /home/buzz-dee/.vscode-oss/extensions/angular.ng-template-0.901.3,/home/buzz-dee/Workspace/web-photo-service --node-ipc --clientProcessId=5614 0 0 10767 sh 0 27 5626 watcherService 0 23 5645 searchService 16 0 5669 electron_node angular.js angular.js angular.js angular.js angular-cli.js angular-cli.js angular-cli.js angular-cli.js 15 0 5725 electron_node angular.js angular.js angular-cli.js angular-cli.js 17 0 8829 /usr/share/code-oss/resources/app/node_modules.asar.unpacked/vscode-ripgrep/bin/rg --files --hidden --case-sensitive -g !**/.git -g !**/.svn -g !**/.hg -g !**/CVS -g !**/.DS_Store -g !**/node_modules -g !**/bower_components -g !**/*.code-search --no-ignore-parent --no-config --no-ignore-global 16 0 10115 /usr/share/code-oss/resources/app/node_modules.asar.unpacked/vscode-ripgrep/bin/rg --hidden --ignore-case -g **/*.json/** -g **/*.json -g !**/.git -g !**/.svn -g !**/.hg -g !**/CVS -g !**/.DS_Store -g !**/node_modules -g !**/bower_components -g !**/*.code-search -g !**/dist --max-filesize 17179869184 --no-ignore-parent --crlf --fixed-strings --no-config --no-ignore-global --json -- enableIvy . 0 0 5685 /usr/bin/fish ```
Workspace Info ``` | Window (settings.json - web-photo-service - Code - OSS (headmelted)) | Folder (web-photo-service): 2717 files | File types: scss(536) ts(518) js(430) html(355) json(131) woff(64) | woff2(55) ttf(49) eot(46) svg(23) | Conf files: tslint.json(5) package.json(3) tsconfig.json(1) | launch.json(1) settings.json(1) | Launch Configs: chrome(2) bashdb firefox; ```
Extensions (22) Extension|Author (truncated)|Version ---|---|--- svgo|100|1.4.2 calculate|aca|2.1.0 project-manager|ale|10.11.0 ng-template|Ang|0.901.3 npm-intellisense|chr|1.3.0 angular-schematics|cyr|4.0.3 githistory|don|0.6.4 gitlens|eam|10.2.1 EditorConfig|Edi|0.14.5 vscode-npm-script|eg2|0.3.11 prettier-vscode|esb|4.5.0 vscode-firefox-debug|fir|2.7.2 svg|joc|1.1.8 Angular2|joh|9.1.2 git-graph|mhu|1.22.0 vscode-typescript-tslint-plugin|ms-|1.2.3 debugger-for-chrome|msj|4.12.6 color-highlight|nau|2.3.0 vscode-versionlens|pfl|0.25.0 prettier-vscode|pre|3.14.1 fuzzy-search|tat|1.1.7 material-theme|zhu|3.3.1