headmyshoulder / odeint-v2

odeint - solving ordinary differential equations in c++ v2
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thrust stuff silently fails when using thrust::backend::vector instead of thrust::device_vector #136

Closed slayoo closed 8 years ago

slayoo commented 10 years ago

Here's an example code:


#include <thrust/system/cpp/vector.h>

#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/odeint/external/thrust/thrust_algebra.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/odeint/external/thrust/thrust_operations.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/odeint/external/thrust/thrust_resize.hpp>

struct rhs 
  void operator()(
    const thrust::cpp::vector<float> &psi,
    thrust::cpp::vector<float> &dot_psi,
    const float /* t */
    std::cerr << "size: " << dot_psi.size() << std::endl;

int main() 
    thrust::cpp::vector<float>, // state_type
    float,                      // value_type
    thrust::cpp::vector<float>, // deriv_type
    float,                      // time_type
  > chem_stepper;

  thrust::cpp::vector<float> v(11);
  chem_stepper.do_step(rhs(), v, 0, 1);

Compilation goes fine, but when one tries to use it, there is a segfault due to internal stepper variables not being properly resized:

$ g++ bug.cpp 
$ ./a.out 
size: 0
Segmentation fault

Using cpp::vector is convenient (if not the only possible way) when using multiple Thrust backends in a single translation unit.

A solution would be to repeat all the definitions in boost/numeric/odeint/external/thrust/*.hpp not only for host_vector and device_vector, but also for thrust::cpp::vector, thrust::cuda::vector, thrust::tbb::vector and thrust::omp::vector.

HTH, Sylwester

mariomulansky commented 10 years ago

All of those vectors can be used in the thrust::for_each algorithms i suppose? So we would use the same thrust_algebra for all of them?

slayoo commented 10 years ago

Yes. Thanks for looking into it!

ddemidov commented 10 years ago

It seems that all kinds of vectors in thrust inherit from thrust::detail::vector_base<T,A>. This could be used to create generic thrust vector specifications for odeint.

mariomulansky commented 10 years ago

good idea denis, this would make things rather simple - i will look into this

mariomulansky commented 10 years ago

I figured an easy approach is to write some macros. I can't test the thrust::cpp::vector because I only have cuda 5 installed where there is no cpp::vector it seems. However - maybe you can give it a try and add the macro calls to external/thrust/thrust_resize.hpp ?

slayoo commented 10 years ago

Thanks Mario!

I confirm it works with cpp, I'll test tomorrow with CUDA and OpenMP

There is probably a need to enclose the ::vector stuff in a proprocessor condition on Thrust version. Here's a relevant Thrust commit that intorduced the ::vector files:


but I haven't yet figured out in which release it appeared.

Also the thrust_resize.hpp will have to include something like:

#include <thrust/system/cpp/vector.h>
#include <thrust/system/omp/vector.h>
#include <thrust/system/tbb/vector.h>
#if defined(__NVCC__)
#  include <thrust/system/cuda/vector.h> 

... also only if thrust version is enough.

Thanks, Sylwester

mariomulansky commented 10 years ago

I'm leaving into holiday tomorrow and I will not be able to put more work in it before September, sorry. But I hope for the time being the Macros are making it easy enough for you to continue your work?

slayoo commented 10 years ago

Yes, it definitely helps. Thanks! I've added a pull request with the code that uses the new macros . Tested with cpp and omp backends using the code I'm workin on, not tested with odeint examples.

HTH, Sylwester

mariomulansky commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot slayoo, I've merged the pull request and added the corresponding algebra_dispatcher and operations_dispatcher specializations. Maybe you can have a look if your stuff still works nicely. Now you should be able to use the thrust backend vectors also without explicitely defining the thrust_algebra or thrust_operations, i.e.

    thrust::cpp::vector<float>, // state_type
    float,                      // value_type
  > chem_stepper;
mariomulansky commented 9 years ago

was the fix sufficient, can this be closed?

slayoo commented 9 years ago

Yes. I've just double checked with the current snapshot of odeint, the above short example as well as with our code that caused the problem originally. Thanks!

What about adding the above example as a unit test? (sorry, I haven't checked if it is not already done)
