headmyshoulder / odeint-v2

odeint - solving ordinary differential equations in c++ v2
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Output of Harmonic Oscillator example not reasonable #212

Closed alesolano closed 7 years ago

alesolano commented 7 years ago

This is my output for examples/harmonic_oscillator.cpp using CodeBlocks IDE in Windows with MinGW compiler set to C++14. I didn't change anything of the code.

0       0.117289        -0.198813
0.1     0.0970056       -0.206492
0.427867        0.0270349       -0.216419
0.755734        -0.0423883      -0.203372
1.0836  -0.104073       -0.169808
1.41147 -0.151978       -0.120201
1.7666  -0.183363       -0.0552639
2.12174 -0.190834       0.0130209
2.47687 -0.174725       0.0761808
2.832   -0.138217       0.126806
3.18714 -0.0868043      0.159393
3.54227 -0.0275093      0.170918
3.8974  0.032053        0.161073
4.25254 0.0846297       0.132163
4.60767 0.124194        0.0886899
4.97682 0.147111        0.0345601
5.34597 0.149511        -0.0211835
5.71512 0.132187        -0.0711478
6.08427 0.0984694       -0.109095
6.45342 0.0536622       -0.1307
6.82257 0.00423529      -0.134009
7.19172 -0.0430842      -0.119576
7.56087 -0.0822076      -0.0902481
7.93002 -0.108449       -0.0506709
8.29917 -0.119062       -0.00658431
8.66832 -0.113498       0.0359904
9.03747 -0.0933576      0.0715544
9.40662 -0.062066       0.095824
9.80128 -0.0216132      0.106406
10      -0.000495785    0.105432
0 0.000354255 0.000398615

The initial condition is [1.0, 0.0], but my output shows that it starts at [0.117289, -0.198813]. So I did something wrong...

I have tested it in MATLAB and the output is:

         0    1.0000         0
    0.0001    1.0000   -0.0001
    0.0005    1.0000   -0.0005
    0.0025    1.0000   -0.0025
    0.0125    0.9999   -0.0125
    0.0625    0.9981   -0.0621
    0.1793    0.9841   -0.1760
    0.3471    0.9414   -0.3314
    0.5609    0.8509   -0.5101
    0.8230    0.6925   -0.6895
    1.1192    0.4657   -0.8278
    1.3839    0.2374   -0.8868
    1.6144    0.0321   -0.8869
    1.8012   -0.1309   -0.8531
    1.9583   -0.2613   -0.8026
    2.1625   -0.4161   -0.7098
    2.4138   -0.5763   -0.5602
    2.6989   -0.7074   -0.3560
    2.9540   -0.7728   -0.1563
    3.1238   -0.7879   -0.0212
    3.2937   -0.7801    0.1112
    3.4483   -0.7539    0.2260
    3.6499   -0.6942    0.3635
    3.8984   -0.5853    0.5068
    4.2034   -0.4098    0.6330
    4.4758   -0.2280    0.6928
    4.7147   -0.0605    0.7021
    4.8564    0.0382    0.6889
    4.9981    0.1341    0.6622
    5.1714    0.2448    0.6126
    5.3907    0.3701    0.5260
    5.6592    0.4936    0.3906
    5.9345    0.5792    0.2290
    6.1788    0.6165    0.0766
    6.3250    0.6210   -0.0147
    6.4712    0.6123   -0.1037
    6.6356    0.5873   -0.1988
    6.8463    0.5335   -0.3092
    7.1049    0.4383   -0.4211
    7.4033    0.2981   -0.5105
    7.6700    0.1558   -0.5498
    7.9027    0.0270   -0.5517
    8.0927   -0.0762   -0.5314
    8.2463   -0.1556   -0.5016
    8.4471   -0.2510   -0.4463
    8.6946   -0.3508   -0.3563
    8.9819   -0.4353   -0.2297
    9.2392   -0.4784   -0.1050
    9.4133   -0.4892   -0.0189
    9.5874   -0.4851    0.0655
    9.7390   -0.4698    0.1357
    9.9379   -0.4341    0.2205
   10.0000   -0.4197    0.2448

(I'm in the middle of switching from MATLAB ode solvers to something open-source)

Thank you!

alesolano commented 7 years ago

Fixed. I don't know exactly why. I'm just learning how to use this tool, but I simplified the example code to only use the basic structure: 'rhs' as a void function instead of a class, and only integrate with the 'integrate observer'.

 Copyright 2010-2012 Karsten Ahnert
 Copyright 2011-2013 Mario Mulansky
 Copyright 2013 Pascal Germroth
 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
 copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>

//[ rhs_function
/* The type of container used to hold the state vector */
typedef std::vector< double > state_type;

const double gam = 0.15;

/* The rhs of x' = f(x) */
void harmonic_oscillator( const state_type &x , state_type &dxdt , const double /* t */ )
    dxdt[0] = x[1];
    dxdt[1] = -x[0] - gam*x[1];

//[ integrate_observer
struct push_back_state_and_time
    std::vector< state_type >& m_states;
    std::vector< double >& m_times;

    push_back_state_and_time( std::vector< state_type > &states , std::vector< double > &times )
    : m_states( states ) , m_times( times ) { }

    void operator()( const state_type &x , double t )
        m_states.push_back( x );
        m_times.push_back( t );

int main(int /* argc */ , char** /* argv */ )
    using namespace std;
    using namespace boost::numeric::odeint;

    //[ state_initialization
    state_type x(2);
    x[0] = 1.0; // start at x=1.0, p=0.0
    x[1] = 0.0;

    //[ integrate_observ
    vector<state_type> x_vec;
    vector<double> times;

    size_t steps = integrate( harmonic_oscillator ,
            x , 0.0 , 10.0 , 0.1 ,
            push_back_state_and_time( x_vec , times ) );

    /* output */
    for( size_t i=0; i<=steps; i++ )
        cout << times[i] << '\t' << x_vec[i][0] << '\t' << x_vec[i][1] << '\n';

    return 0;

The new output is:

0       1       0
0.1     0.995029        -0.0990884
0.342911        0.942763        -0.32773
0.59639 0.832373        -0.537274
0.865439        0.662854        -0.714058
1.15445 0.436595        -0.839871
1.44346 0.184494        -0.892171
1.70128 -0.0446646      -0.875731
1.9591  -0.262234       -0.80313
2.21692 -0.454545       -0.681207
2.48815 -0.616993       -0.510476
2.77613 -0.733844       -0.296963
3.06411 -0.7866 -0.0685387
3.35209 -0.773719       0.155753
3.64008 -0.699015       0.358007
3.92806 -0.571123       0.522852
4.21604 -0.402601       0.638582
4.50402 -0.20875        0.697943
4.792   -0.0062679      0.698535
5.07998 0.188159        0.642795
5.36797 0.359199        0.537596
5.65595 0.494053        0.39351
5.94393 0.583381        0.223796
6.23191 0.621907        0.0432166
6.51989 0.608673        -0.133212
6.80787 0.546935        -0.291443
7.09586 0.44372 -0.419492
7.39491 0.303457        -0.510857
7.69397 0.143005        -0.553869
7.99302 -0.0228226      -0.546913
8.29208 -0.179394       -0.492786
8.59113 -0.313525       -0.398255
8.89019 -0.414555       -0.273299
9.18925 -0.475166       -0.130101
9.4883  -0.49187        0.0181101
9.78736 -0.465143       0.158247
10      -0.421907       0.246407