headwirecom / jsonforms-react-spectrum-renderers

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Enforce prettier formatting #71

Open mburri opened 3 years ago

mburri commented 3 years ago

We should add documentation about the coding style we chose (basically, just format with prettier).

It would also make sense to add a commit hook that either formats all touched files or rejects the commit if the files are not properly formatted

uudens commented 3 years ago

To have consistency with React-Spectrum, should we use their eslint config?

mburri commented 3 years ago

@hupf what do you think? We based our project on the jsonforms one - I don't know if we should be consistent with react-spectrum or jsonforms...

hupf commented 3 years ago

Note, that there already is a .prettierrc in the root of the monorepo, which is what I've used. Although I've had some problems with the monorepo structure and Prettier being in the root in my local setup... so I've executed Prettier manually before commit. That should be fixed.

Typically at our projects, we skip all linting of style-related aspects in favor of Prettier (using https://github.com/prettier/eslint-config-prettier) and then with https://github.com/prettier/eslint-plugin-prettier let the CI pipeline fail if files are not formatted according to the Prettier config...