headzoo / surf

Stateful programmatic web browsing in Go.
MIT License
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Versioning? #65

Closed lxt2 closed 7 years ago

lxt2 commented 7 years ago

So currently there is a tag that points to v1:

https://github.com/headzoo/surf/commit/3ab5b77981eb350c4821694b70cddc90d59e791c => gopkg.in/headzoo/surf.v1

and there is work on a v2 branch.

Thoughts on how we should proceed with point releases in between?

My suggestion would be to adopt semver, and then keep using gopkg.in:

When using branches or tags to version the GitHub repository, gopkg.in understands that a selector in the URL such as "v1" may be satisfied by a tag or branch "v1.2" or "v1.2.1" (vMAJOR[.MINOR[.PATCH]]) in the repository, and will select the highest version satisfying the requested selector.

headzoo commented 7 years ago

Semver with gopkg.in works for me.

lxt2 commented 7 years ago

How about master vs dev? People are going to keep forgetting, unless there is a good reason, my vote would be to use master.

lxt2 commented 7 years ago

I cleaned up the v1 release, it's now v1.0.0, and I fleshed out the release notes: https://github.com/headzoo/surf/releases/tag/v1.0.0

headzoo commented 7 years ago

my vote would be to use master.

Same here.

bscott commented 7 years ago

@headzoo Dep was annouced at GopgerCon, any plans to move to Dep instead for Dep management.

headzoo commented 7 years ago

@bscott - I would feel better about recommending Dep once it's been added to the Go toolchain. For now we could add Dep instructions to the documentation, while continuing to reference gopkg.in in the primary docs until Dep is truly official.

lxt2 commented 7 years ago

Yeah, dep still is undercooked from my use of it.