healenium / healenium-appium

Self-healing library for Appium-based tests
Apache License 2.0
26 stars 8 forks source link

Cannot install repository from bintray #22

Closed aproft closed 2 years ago

aproft commented 3 years ago

Hey guys,

I followed the instructions in the readme, but unfortunately it seems like the dependency got deleted from bintray. When I try to install it via maven, I always get a "403 Forbidden": https://dl.bintray.com/epam/healenium

The one from mvnrepository seems to be broken as well: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.epam.healenium/healenium-appium/1.1 At least when I download and extract it, there's not more than a manifest in there. No classes.

Could you check this? Would love to try out your product. Sounds pretty exciting.

If you need any further information, please let me know.

vini46 commented 3 years ago

I am stuck with the same problem. Any workaround for this ?

genesisthomas commented 3 years ago

Hi @GannaChernyshova, @alxkor, JFrog had shutdown Bintray and I also noticed the same behaviour mentioned by @aproft
Appium self heal sounds very promising. Can you please let us know your thoughts/ workarounds on this issue?

Alex-Reif commented 2 years ago

Hello everybody, Sorry for delay, we have relocated to maven central. Please use 1.2 version from maven central.