healenium / healenium-example-maven

Test automation examples on Java with Maven.
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New element locator have not been found. There is a lack of reference data. #7

Closed priyanka748 closed 2 years ago

priyanka748 commented 2 years ago

Describe the problem

ERROR n.t.c.s.ConsoleLoggingListener - no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"*[name='Username']"}

Healenium Proxy version

healenium-web 3.2.1

Healenium Backend version

healenium-back version 3.2.0

Selenium version


Logs appeared during using Healenium

Element info: {Using=id, value=loginButton}
Trying to heal...
18:00:13.662 [main] WARN  c.e.h.p.SaveHealingResultsProcessor - Using healed locator: Scored(score=0.8571428571428571, value=By.cssSelector: input#hj)

*** Element info: {Using=name, value=Username}
Trying to heal...
18:01:27.877 [main] WARN  c.e.h.p.HealingProcessor - New element locator have not been found. There is a lack of reference data.
ERROR n.t.c.s.ConsoleLoggingListener - no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"*[name='Username']"}

Additional context

As per the above context of logs..

The healenium is working for first element. But it is not working for secnd one..

Have tried by decreasing healing score in properties file. In addition, also added one docker container: selector-imitator: image: healenium/hlm-selector-imitator:1 restart: on-failure ports:

priyanka748 commented 2 years ago

@ElenaStepuro plzz see this issue.. nd let me know how to rectify this