healthhackersER / CAMA-CORE-Example

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[DS] Document Add & Edit tags - Make a screen to add documents #21

Open zappingseb opened 4 years ago

zappingseb commented 4 years ago


As a user I want to edit a document after I captured the document with the camera.


After I took a Picture with the Camera, I would like to add meta information. The most important information of a document is the the name. Moreover I need to give the document a category. This category I can best select out of a cloud of category batches. The most important labeling of this document happens with a cloud of tags (batches). The most used batches should appear on the top of the batches. A nice feature would be that by typing the name, batches that are close to that name rank up higher There needs to be a save button that saves this information inside the database.
