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[DS] Analyse - electronic health record ePA #33

Open healthhackersER opened 4 years ago

healthhackersER commented 4 years ago


Original Slack - Manuel Höfler

The electronic health record ePA (see: is just adressing the issue of document management/ storage.

  • Die elektronische Patientenakte – kurz: ePA – wird ab dem 1. Januar 2021 von den gesetzlichen Krankenkassen ihren Versicherten angeboten.
  • Mit der ePA können gesundheitsbezogene Daten zwischen dem Patienten und denjenigen, die an seiner medizinischen Behandlung beteiligt sind, ausgetauscht werden. Dazu zählen Arzt-, Psychotherapeuten- und Zahnarztpraxen, Apotheken und Krankenhäuser.


❓ Should we consider to interact with them rather then building a parallel management system?


wooramkang commented 4 years ago

IF it is possible to include even any kind of personal records, not only ePA, health record of patients can help generate meaningful data for therapy and treatment And others things are possible. something like to find out nice ways to treat serious disease by application with ML or AI

IvoLeist commented 4 years ago

Sounds interesting thank you for sharing. However, I would not discuss this too deep at that stage of the project. I would not interact with them before we launched our version 1.0 (which we discussed should be "offline" only)

GundlackFelixDEV commented 4 years ago

Agree to @IvoLeist. They state a release date 2021. So there will be a lot of things happening (or not).

Die elektronische Patientenakte – kurz: ePA – wird ab dem 1. Januar 2021 von den gesetzlichen Krankenkassen ihren Versicherten angeboten.