hearchco / agent

Agent for Hearchco built using Go.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[FEAT] Suggestions API #327

Closed GGLVXD closed 1 week ago

GGLVXD commented 1 month ago

Add ACTUAL autocomplete that uses some or one search engine to get autocomplete data.

aleksasiriski commented 1 month ago

That's the plan :) After the refactor I was planning on doing that as the next big feature, you are also more than welcome to contribute!

My idea was to poll autocomplete data from multiple engines and afterwards combine it before sending it to the user, as with general and images.

GGLVXD commented 1 month ago

Im not the best programmer but i can try to help

aleksasiriski commented 3 weeks ago

It seems that is shouldn't be difficult to implement. Google: https://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?client=firefox&q=<query>

Others that implement this for browsers can be found as well. I will work on this in a week or two.

aleksasiriski commented 2 weeks ago

Also for DDG, I found opensearch.xml which has the same standard for search suggestions api

aleksasiriski commented 2 weeks ago

Work on the backend is done, waiting for some final touches if I think of any and to test the OpenSearch Suggestions API spec in browsers, afterwards I will work on the frontend to support this nicely.

aleksasiriski commented 1 week ago

This is now completely supported on frontend and in browsers. Please open any issues in the relevant repos if you find any bugs!