CRITICAL - Uncaught PHP Exception Twig_Error_Runtime: "An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Template name "/" is not valid (format is "bundle:section:template.format.engine").") in "HearsayRequireJSBundle::initialize.html.twig"
Apparently, this error has to do with the format of the default "require_js_src" parameter. Should I not use the default?
I have tried changing my configuration but the error persists. Here is my configuration (which should be pretty standard):
As previously indicated in my comments to commit, I get the following exception when updating to that commit or beyond:
Apparently, this error has to do with the format of the default "require_js_src" parameter. Should I not use the default?
I have tried changing my configuration but the error persists. Here is my configuration (which should be pretty standard):
Also, I'm using RequireJS as an Assetic filter in my template as follows:
And my main "app.js" file that should be loaded: