heartcombo / responders

A set of Rails responders to dry up your application
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Turbo-streams and turbo-frames with responders #230

Open brendon opened 2 years ago

brendon commented 2 years ago

I've come up against an interesting problem. This page has an interesting technique for creating a modal with turbo: https://www.viget.com/articles/fancy-form-modals-with-rails-turbo/

I'm trying to specifically reproduce this logic with responders:

def update
  if current_user.update(user_params)
    respond_to do |format|
      format.turbo_stream do
        render turbo_stream: [
          turbo_stream.update("flash", partial: "shared/flash", locals: { notice: "Profile updated" }),
          turbo_stream.update("user-about", partial: "users/about", locals: { user: current_user })

      format.html do
        redirect_to current_user, notice: "Profile updated"
    render :edit, status: :unprocessable_entity

So to translate, the initial edit form is just a html view wrapped in a turbo-frame tag called 'modal'. Navigating to this updates the modal with the form. We then use stimulus to show the modal.

When submitting the form: if the model saves we want to render a turbo-stream response that updates various areas of the page. If it fails we want to render the original html edit page from before with the form field errors highlighted etc...

So far I can't seem to figure out how to make this work with responders.

Does anyone have any tips? :)

brendon commented 2 years ago

I managed to get there in the end. Is this the most efficient way to write it?

  def update
    respond_with online_newsletter,
      location: [:admin, online_newsletter] do |format|

      if online_newsletter.update(online_newsletter_params)
        format.turbo_stream {
          render turbo_stream: turbo_stream.update("header", partial: "header")
        format.html { render 'edit', status: :unprocessable_entity }
ClayShentrup commented 2 years ago

I'm using this guy's responder but I think it needs to be modified to play nice with the flash responder. He's only trying to deal with Devise issues whereas I'm using Responders generally (because why on Earth would people want to manually do this in all their controller actions?).


So far I'm getting some mileage out of this:

class ApplicationResponder < ActionController::Responder
  module TurboFlashResponder

    def to_turbo_stream

# https://gorails.com/episodes/devise-hotwire-turbo
module TurboResponder
  def navigation_behavior(error)
    if get?
      raise error
    elsif has_errors? && default_action
      render(rendering_options.merge(formats: [:turbo_stream, :html], status: :unprocessable_entity))
      redirect_to navigation_location

  def options
    super.merge(formats: [:turbo_stream, :html])
brendon commented 2 years ago

Thanks @ClayShentrup, that looks like a great start. @carlosantoniodasilva, do you think there is appetite to make turbo responses a first class citizen in responders?

schristm commented 2 years ago

In case it's helpful for anyone else, this is what's working for me to make Turbo work with Responders.

Inside application_responder.rb:

def initialize(controller, resources, options = {})

    if [:js, :turbo_stream].include?(format)
      options[:formats] ||= request.formats.map(&:symbol)

alias :to_turbo_stream :to_html
ClayShentrup commented 2 years ago

@rafaelfranca what's the resolution here? is the plan not to offer a to_turbo_stream?

brendon commented 2 years ago

Not sure if this should have been closed. In my excursion into broadcast turbo streams I'm finding that I want to render :no_content for actions (like create) and then immediately broadcast the page changes to all users from the controller using something like:

article_html = render_to_string partial: 'online_newsletters/article', locals: { article: article }
Turbo::StreamsChannel.broadcast_before_to online_newsletter, target: article.subsequent, html: article_html

I'm not a fan of broadcasting from models. I also struggled with the built-in rendering functionality with Turbo::StreamsChannel as it hard-codes the use of ApplicationController and I use a couple of different FormBuilder's in different areas of my app. I know I can create my own stream channel and customise all this, but in the end render_to_string works well as it maintains the context of the request, and that's ok in my case as I want all users watching the editing interface to get the same updates and there's no per-user differences. That's a side-track anyway.

Responders treats the turbo_stream format as an api style format and wants to render a status: :created with a location by default. Ideally it should behave more like a hybrid to_html but if no template is found and if it's a post it just renders head :no_content. That's my opinion anyway. I think the main problem is that turbo-streams are so versatile that everyone will probably want to do something slightly different.

carlosantoniodasilva commented 1 year ago

I am going to reopen this to remind me to look into turbo_stream again. Now that Responders and Devise are working fine with Turbo for the most common usage (via HTML navigation and such), I want to make sure it works with turbo streams (i.e. responding as turbo stream) as expected too, because it does seem like it's may not be.

brendon commented 1 year ago

Thanks @carlosantoniodasilva, let me know if you need to test anything in the wild :) For now in my respond_with I just have this:

if article.save
  format.turbo_stream { }
  Turbo::StreamsChannel.broadcast_before_to online_newsletter, target: article.subsequent,
    html: render_to_string(partial: 'online_newsletters/article')
  format.html { render 'new', status: :unprocessable_entity }

Including format.turbo_stream { } forces the empty response.

n-rodriguez commented 1 year ago

I'm using this guy's responder but I think it needs to be modified to play nice with the flash responder. He's only trying to deal with Devise issues whereas I'm using Responders generally (because why on Earth would people want to manually do this in all their controller actions?).


So far I'm getting some mileage out of this:

class ApplicationResponder < ActionController::Responder
  module TurboFlashResponder

    def to_turbo_stream

# https://gorails.com/episodes/devise-hotwire-turbo
module TurboResponder
  def navigation_behavior(error)
    if get?
      raise error
    elsif has_errors? && default_action
      render(rendering_options.merge(formats: [:turbo_stream, :html], status: :unprocessable_entity))
      redirect_to navigation_location

  def options
    super.merge(formats: [:turbo_stream, :html])

Reduced to :

# frozen_string_literal: true

class ApplicationResponder < ActionController::Responder
  include Responders::FlashResponder
  include Responders::HttpCacheResponder

  self.error_status    = :unprocessable_entity
  self.redirect_status = :see_other

  alias :to_turbo_stream :to_html
carlosantoniodasilva commented 1 year ago

@n-rodriguez that is great :)

Can you clarify what's your use for the alias :to_turbo_stream :to_html? I assume you are adding specific turbo_stream responses to devise related actions/controllers? (or maybe others, which is why you might require it?)

I haven't circled back yet on that from responder's perspective, but I'm guessing I might have to add something along those lines to responders itself so it can handle those appropriately.

a-nickol commented 11 months ago

@carlosantoniodasilva, I think alias :to_turbo_stream :to_html is used to make use e.g. of FlashResponder::to_html method which has to be called to set the flash message appropriately.

But for me it was not enough. Flash messages have to be displayed immediately and not on the next request.

Thus i had to change the set_flash_now? method.

# config/initializers/responders_override.rb
# frozen_string_literal: true

module Responders
  module FlashResponder
    def set_flash_now?
        @flash_now == true || format == :js || format == :turbo_stream ||
            (default_action && (has_errors? ? @flash_now == :on_failure : @flash_now == :on_success))
brendon commented 11 months ago

Without alias :to_turbo_stream :to_html I found that responders wouldn't look for a .turbo_stream.erb file in the error scenario if I called something like:

format.turbo_stream { render 'errors', status: :unprocessable_entity }

manufaktor commented 10 months ago

I also needed alias :to_turbo_stream :to_html in my responder.

When a request with a turbo stream format comes in:

Started POST "/2023-10-16/workdays" for ::1 at 2023-10-30 18:37:40 +0100
18:37:40 web.1  | Processing by WorkdaysController#create as TURBO_STREAM

it would respond with this:

2023-10-30 18:37:33 +0100 Read: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `bytesize' for #<ActiveModel::Error attribute=base, type=invalid, options={}>
18:37:33 web.1  | 
18:37:33 web.1  |             next if part.nil? || (byte_size = part.bytesize).zero?
18:37:33 web.1  |                                                   ^^^^^^^^^>

Now with this setup it will correctly render and return the new.turbo_stream.erb file on the POST (if there are errors on the model):

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  self.responder = ApplicationResponder
  respond_to :turbo_stream, :html

# and 

class ApplicationResponder < ActionController::Responder
  include Responders::FlashResponder

  # Configure default status codes for responding to errors and redirects.
  self.error_status = :unprocessable_entity
  self.redirect_status = :see_other

  alias_method :to_turbo_stream, :to_html
brendon commented 2 weeks ago

I find myself working on this again :D I think I've come closer to something that works. My scenario is this:

respond_to :turbo_stream, :html

def create
  respond_with article

In my use case I render new.html which is a <turbo-frame> tag. My frame in this case is just a modal interface.

When submitted, if the model is valid, I want to render create.turbo_stream.erb which contains some non-trivial Turbo Stream page updates. In the case of an error I just want to display new.html.erb again. Reponders doesn't handle this currently without lots of overriding.

I've come up with the following as modifications to ActionController::Responder to make this work:

self.error_status = :unprocessable_entity

def to_turbo_stream
rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate => e


def turbo_render
  if @default_response
  elsif !get? && has_errors?
    controller.render({ status: error_status, formats: [:html] }.merge!(options))

def error_rendering_options
  if options[:render]
    { action: default_action, status: error_status }.tap do |error_rendering_options|
      error_rendering_options[:formats] = [:turbo_stream, :html] if format == :turbo_stream

There will be other ways to skin the cat but the main problem with Responders is that it relies on rescuing ActionView::MissingTemplate as a means to then look at redisplaying the form.

In my changes:

So far this seems to works. I'm sure there will be quirks as I go along, and perhaps this is particular to my use case, but I think Turbo Streams aren't going away and it might be time to bake something in, or at least have an extra responder in Responders to optionally include to handle turbo_streams more explicitly?

brendon commented 2 weeks ago

Thinking slightly harder, it could be that we could extend the configuration to allow for defining formats for the different request types (get, error, success) to keep everything agnostic?