heartcombo / simple_form

Forms made easy for Rails! It's tied to a simple DSL, with no opinion on markup.
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The state of enums in simple_form #1668

Open emilebosch opened 5 years ago

emilebosch commented 5 years ago

Hi all,

Out of curiosity, over the years, I've aways had to type extra code to let the enums work in simple form. Why is this still the case? Basically any other fields just works out of the box. Is there here a reason I am totally missing?

When I think simple form I think simplicity, no need to worry, and no typing too much. It just works for all other types except enums. Any reason why?

jonmchan commented 3 years ago

Here's what I'm using for enum in case it helps someone else - it seems to make everything work. If code is not interested in being changed, we can at least add this to the readme to make utilizing enums easy?


class User < ApplicationRecord
  enum user_type: { viewer: 0, editor: 1, admin: 2 }


<%= f.input :user_type, collection: User.user_types.keys, selected: @user.user_type %>
tvongaza commented 1 year ago

Rails 7.1 now allows you to validate enum columns, which allows a bit more fine grained control of when to show blank options - https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Enum.html.

We've wrapped the CollectionSelectInput to ease the creation of enum drop downs to something like <%= f.input :user_type %>, setting the allow_blank & prompt settings as best we can, not sure if it is useful to others:

class EnumInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::CollectionSelectInput
  def initialize(builder, attribute_name, column, input_type, options = {})
    raise ArgumentError, "EnumInput requires an enum column." unless column.is_a? ActiveRecord::Enum::EnumType

    # Enum's are only required if we do not allow nil values
    inclusion_validator = builder.object.class.validators_on(attribute_name).find { |v| v.kind == :inclusion }
    options[:required] = inclusion_validator && !inclusion_validator&.options&.dig(:allow_nil)

    # If a prompt & include_blank are both present, we'll show 2 options before our enum values
    # priority is given to the prompt, so we'll remove the include_blank option
    # If our enum is required, we remove the include_blank option (can't be nil)
    # This lets SimpleForm include it for new fields, and exclude for preset fields
    # Otherwise we'll show a blank option before our enum values
    if options[:prompt].present? || options[:required]
      options[:include_blank] = true

  def collection
    @collection ||= begin
      raise ArgumentError, "Collections are inferred when using the enum input, custom collections are not allowed." if options.key?(:collection)
      object.defined_enums[attribute_name.to_s].keys.map do |key|
        [object.class.human_enum_name(attribute_name, key), key] # Our i18n translations aren't fully standard so this may not apply to everyone. WIP.

And rails initializer to register the type:

module RegisterEnumAsSimpleFormDefaultType
  def default_input_type(attribute_name, column, options)
    # If we are explicit about the type, use that
    return options[:as].to_sym if options[:as]

    if column.is_a? ActiveRecord::Enum::EnumType
      # If we are using an enum, use our custom EnumInput
      # Otherwise, use the default simple form type lookup

# Ensure we prepend this module so it is called before the default lookup
rhulse commented 10 months ago

Thanks @tvongaza!

If anyone else wants to use this, you may need to change the class definition to this:

class EnumInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::CollectionSelectInput

I replaced the collection function with this:

def collection
    @collection ||= begin
      raise ArgumentError,
        "Collections are inferred when using the enum input, custom collections are not allowed." if options.key?(:collection)

      object.defined_enums[attribute_name.to_s].keys.map do |key|
        [key.to_s.capitalize, key]