heartpoints / heartpoints.org

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First Workflow #56

Open tommysullivan opened 5 years ago

tommysullivan commented 5 years ago

after login, pretend user is brand new (don't need to check if they have logged in before), show a screen with:

Heartpoints Wallet: 5pts Dismissable Celebration Notice: Congratulations, you've been awarded 10 heartpoints (use icon for heartpoints currency in place of a $) 3 Action Buttons: Donate it, Use It, Keep for now Tooltip / Info icon for each option to give a feel for what to expect


  1. List of participating Recipients, and how they would use the HP (besides just expressing love and support for the organization!)
  2. help a friend in need: (add potential new user to heartpoints or choose from one you already have, perhaps on fb (requires additional permission)), understand how that friend could benefit from the gift
  3. Ask for cash donations to fund NPOs / heartpoints.org
  4. Share the donation (and ultimately, when friend in need gets real help, they can share a pic that can be traced back to the current donation to see the cause and effects of giving)

Use It:

  1. Find a list of partners who will provide needed goods or services to heartpoints users. These partners either accept heartpoints or currency, or a combination thereof, where currency might come from subsidies or funds allocated toward desirable philanthropic investment outcomes, as decided by the heartpoints.org board and participating other parties.
  2. Find a list of friends who offer services to people in need based on what they are good at
  3. Put it out there that you have a need and let it be available to those who may be searching the market for opportunities to help people with unserviced or underserviced needs
  4. Again there is a causal sharing opportunity here and also a verification when the eventual concrete recipient of a need has that need met due to the chain of giving leading to that event

Keep It:

Show the balance of the heartpoints wallet going up (can we use a heart container like vial ala zelda?) as we navigate to the home page.

Home Page:

From here we can Donate, Use, Survey, Share, Vote, Community


How well are your needs being met? Something that other users can quickly understand as a graphical summary of the overall well-being of a person wrt their needs. IE

  1. Healthy -> set of emojis (1 to 5?)
  2. Safe
  3. Shelter
  4. Free
  5. Future Outlook


  1. Vote on the future of heartpoints (perhaps we post surveys with key questions to users and use their input to make organizational decisions)
  2. It might reinforce our integrity wrt transparency if users can vote as shareholders on certain matters. voting could, depending on the details of a given situation, be weighted by heartpoints on the table (vote with heartpoints) or one vote per person. (and the decision criteria for this can be part of our bylaws from early on)


Have a way for people to ask questions, talk about this subject matter, find materials related to it, etc.


Optionally capture picture, have authenticity mechanism to augment this data so that it may be used elsewhere in the system.

Automated Integrations / Clients of the Data / Model Resulting from this Economy

  1. facebook
  2. instagram
  3. tax software (auto deductions, or creating auto non profits to encourage more granular giving institutions)
  4. privacy-protecting open source academic studies to try and solve needs (think: Effective Altruism)
  5. existing non profits and organizations that facilitate giving among non profits or fulfilling goods and services purchases by non profits to help them achieve their mission
tommysullivan commented 5 years ago
