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Poetry Error #57

Open heathdbrown opened 1 year ago

heathdbrown commented 1 year ago

 nautobot-plugin-device-onboarding  poetry install Installing dependencies from lock file

Package operations: 150 installs, 1 update, 0 removals

• Installing markupsafe (2.1.1) • Installing rx (1.6.3) • Installing amqp (5.1.1) • Installing asgiref (3.6.0) • Installing attrs (22.2.0) • Installing bcrypt (4.0.1) • Installing async-timeout (4.0.2) • Installing cryptography (39.0.0) • Installing defusedxml (0.7.1) • Installing ghp-import (2.1.0) • Installing graphql-core (2.3.2) • Installing future (0.18.2) • Installing importlib-metadata (4.13.0) • Installing jinja2 (3.1.2) • Installing click (8.1.3) • Installing markdown (3.3.7) • Installing lazy-object-proxy (1.9.0) • Installing oauthlib (3.2.2) • Installing pynacl (1.5.0) • Installing mergedeep (1.3.4) • Installing packaging (22.0) • Installing prompt-toolkit (3.0.36) Connection pool is full, discarding connection: pypi.org. Connection pool size: 10 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: pypi.org. Connection pool size: 10 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: pypi.org. Connection pool size: 10 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: pypi.org. Connection pool size: 10 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: pypi.org. Connection pool size: 10 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: pypi.org. Connection pool size: 10 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: pypi.org. Connection pool size: 10 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: pypi.org. Connection pool size: 10 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: pypi.org. Connection pool size: 10 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: pypi.org. Connection pool size: 10 • Installing pyrsistent (0.19.3) • Installing pytz (2022.7) • Installing pyyaml-env-tag (0.1) • Installing requests (2.28.1) • Updating setuptools (67.4.0 -> 65.6.3) • Installing sqlparse (0.4.3) • Installing watchdog (2.2.1) • Installing wrapt (1.14.1) • Installing aniso8601 (7.0.0) • Installing astroid (2.11.7) • Installing billiard ( • Installing coreschema (0.0.4) • Installing django (3.2.16) • Installing isort (5.11.4) • Installing itypes (1.2.0) • Installing dill (0.3.6) • Installing graphql-relay (2.0.1) • Installing click-repl (0.2.0) • Installing click-didyoumean (0.3.0) • Installing platformdirs (2.6.2) • Installing click-plugins (1.1.1) • Installing kombu (5.2.4) • Installing mkdocs (1.3.1) • Installing jsonschema (4.7.2) • Installing pyjwt (2.6.0) • Installing paramiko (2.12.0) • Installing mccabe (0.6.1) • Installing lxml (4.9.2) • Installing python3-openid (3.2.0) • Installing redis (4.4.0) • Installing requests-oauthlib (1.3.1) • Installing smmap (5.0.0) • Installing textfsm (1.1.2) • Installing typing-extensions (4.4.0) • Installing uritemplate (4.1.1) • Installing celery (5.2.7) • Installing coreapi (2.3.3) • Installing django-appconf (1.0.5) • Installing drf-spectacular-sidecar (2022.12.1) • Installing django-js-asset (2.0.0) • Installing inflection (0.5.1) • Installing mkdocs-autorefs (0.4.1) • Installing djangorestframework (3.14.0) • Installing ntc-templates (3.2.0) • Installing prometheus-client (0.14.1) • Installing django-picklefield (3.1) • Installing django-timezone-field (4.1.2) • Installing netaddr (0.8.0) • Installing gitdb (4.0.10) • Installing graphene (2.1.9) • Installing funcy (1.17) • Installing pymdown-extensions (9.9) • Installing ncclient (0.6.13) • Installing pbr (5.11.0) • Installing pylint (2.13.9) • Installing pyparsing (3.0.9) • Installing pyserial (3.5) • Installing python-crontab (2.7.1) • Installing rq (1.11.1) • Installing ruamel-yaml (0.17.21) • Installing scp (0.14.4) • Installing singledispatch (4.0.0) • Installing social-auth-core (4.3.0) • Installing swagger-spec-validator (3.0.3) • Installing tenacity (8.1.0) • Installing text-unidecode (1.3) • Installing transitions (0.9.0) • Installing ttp (0.9.2) • Installing yamlordereddictloader (0.4.0) • Installing django-ajax-tables (1.1.1) • Installing django-cacheops (6.0) • Installing django-constance (2.9.1) • Installing django-db-file-storage (0.5.5) • Installing django-health-check (3.16.5) • Installing django-cors-headers (3.13.0) • Installing django-redis (5.2.0) • Installing django-taggit (3.0.0) • Installing django-filter (21.1) • Installing django-celery-beat (2.2.1) • Installing django-mptt (0.14.0) • Installing django-tables2 (2.4.1) • Installing django-webserver (1.2.0) • Installing django-jinja (2.10.2) • Installing django-cryptography (1.0) • Installing django-tree-queries (0.11.0) • Installing django-extensions (3.2.1) • Installing django-prometheus (2.2.0) • Installing drf-spectacular (0.24.2) • Installing django-rq (2.5.1) • Installing drf-yasg (1.21.4) • Installing gitpython (3.1.30) • Installing graphene-django (2.15.0) • Installing graphene-django-optimizer (0.8.0) • Installing griffe (0.25.3) • Installing junos-eznc (2.6.6) • Installing mkdocs-material-extensions (1.1.1) • Installing mkdocstrings (0.19.0) • Installing mypy-extensions (0.4.3) • Installing netmiko (4.1.2) • Installing netutils (1.3.0) • Installing pathspec (0.10.3) • Installing pillow (9.3.0) • Installing psycopg2-binary (2.9.5) • Installing pycodestyle (2.7.0) • Installing pycryptodome (3.13.0) • Installing pyeapi (0.8.4) • Installing pyflakes (2.3.1) • Installing pygments (2.14.0) • Installing pylint-plugin-utils (0.7) • Installing pyuwsgi (2.0.21) • Installing snowballstemmer (2.2.0) • Installing social-auth-app-django (5.0.0) • Installing stevedore (3.5.2) • Installing svgwrite (1.4.3) • Installing ttp-templates (0.3.2)


Backend subprocess exited when trying to invoke get_requires_for_build_wheel

Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\heath.local\pipx\venvs\poetry\Lib\site-packages\pyproject_hooks_in_process_in_process.py", line 353, in main() File "D:\heath.local\pipx\venvs\poetry\Lib\site-packages\pyproject_hooks_in_process_in_process.py", line 335, in main json_out['return_val'] = hook(**hook_input['kwargs']) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "D:\heath.local\pipx\venvs\poetry\Lib\site-packages\pyproject_hooks_in_process_in_process.py", line 118, in get_requires_for_build_wheel return hook(config_settings) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\heath\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpdvbv3q04.venv\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\build_meta.py", line 338, in get_requires_for_build_wheel return self._get_build_requires(config_settings, requirements=['wheel']) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\heath\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpdvbv3q04.venv\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\build_meta.py", line 320, in _get_build_requires self.run_setup() File "C:\Users\heath\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpdvbv3q04.venv\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\build_meta.py", line 485, in run_setup self).run_setup(setup_script=setup_script) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\heath\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpdvbv3q04.venv\Lib\site-packages\setuptools\build_meta.py", line 335, in run_setup exec(code, locals()) File "", line 13, in File "C:\Users\heath\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpw8fi3b31\pyuwsgi-2.0.21\uwsgiconfig.py", line 8, in uwsgi_os = os.uname()[0] ^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: module 'os' has no attribute 'uname'. Did you mean: 'name'?

at D:\heath.local\pipx\venvs\poetry\Lib\site-packages\poetry\installation\chef.py:152 in _prepare 148│ 149│ error = ChefBuildError("\n\n".join(message_parts)) 150│ 151│ if error is not None: → 152│ raise error from None 153│ 154│ return path 155│ 156│ def _prepare_sdist(self, archive: Path, destination: Path | None = None) -> Path:

Note: This error originates from the build backend, and is likely not a problem with poetry but with pyuwsgi (2.0.21) not supporting PEP 517 builds. You can verify this by running 'pip wheel --use-pep517 "pyuwsgi (==2.0.21)"'.