heavyai / heavyai.jl

Julia client for OmniSci GPU-accelerated SQL engine and analytics platform
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Implement Apache Arrow methods #32

Open randyzwitch opened 5 years ago

randyzwitch commented 5 years ago

Implement remaining load_table methods, with an eye on removing unneeded methods (such as row-wise loading instead of columnar)

~load_table_binary(conn::OmniSciConnection, table_name::String, rows::Vector{TRow})~

randyzwitch commented 5 years ago

Removing load_table_binary from focus, as there is an error that I currently don't understand. It appears that pymapd doesn't implement the method, which might give a good indication its not needed

randyzwitch commented 5 years ago

Remaining method needs Arrow support

randyzwitch commented 5 years ago

This isn't just creating Arrow vectors (from Arrow.jl), but a stream/recordbatch. Might need to use ArrowGlib.jl

randyzwitch commented 5 years ago

WIth https://github.com/JuliaData/FlatBuffers.jl/issues/24, another piece for Arrow support getting closer. With Flatbuffer flatc, should be able to move closer to a native Arrow implementation to read recordbatches