heavyai / heavydb

HeavyDB (formerly OmniSciDB)
Apache License 2.0
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Thrift error: Bad Status: HTTP/1.1 #386

Open xmnlab opened 5 years ago

xmnlab commented 5 years ago

hey everyone.

I am trying the follow expression ... but it is raising a thrift error.

omnisql -s metis.mapd.com --https --port 443 --user mapd --db mapd --passwd HyperInteractive
User mapd connected to database mapd
omnisql> SELECT *
..> FROM (
..>   SELECT *
..>   FROM us_faults
..>   WHERE ST_INTERSECTS("omnisci_geo", ST_SETSRID(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON ((-124.4820168607805 32.52883673637251, -114.1312224750885 32.52883673637251, -114.1312224750885 42.00950826967187, -124.4820168607805 42.00950826967187, -124.4820168607805 32.52883673637251))'), 4326))
..> ) t0
..>   JOIN (
..>     SELECT "omnisci_geo" AS road_geom
..>     FROM ca_roads_tiger
..>   ) t1
..>     ON ST_INTERSECTS("omnisci_geo", t1."road_geom");
Thrift error: Bad Status: HTTP/1.1
Thrift connection error: Bad Status: HTTP/1.1
Retrying connection
Thrift error: TTransportException: Invalid arguments

any idea about this error?

cc @ian-r-rose

randyzwitch commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that this error occurs, when each of the individual queries works. cc: @alexbaden