heavykick / MilkVRLauncher

A simple Andoid App that grabs a link and sends it to MilkVR.
32 stars 7 forks source link

Default the name to filename? #7

Closed Fma965 closed 7 years ago

Fma965 commented 7 years ago

Is this possible? so instead of milkvrvideo or whatever by default its the filename. windows is my area not android.

heavykick commented 7 years ago

Hi :) if the filename part of the url it should not be that hard ... but i am also a windows dev, a web dev could make us easy a regex that would give me the filename ... :(

heavykick commented 7 years ago

ahh .. nice ... found it at google: Uri uri = new Uri(hreflink); if (uri.IsFile) { string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(uri.LocalPath); }

will try it tomorrow ...

heavykick commented 7 years ago

ok .. done .. :) Check Version 1.5

Fma965 commented 7 years ago

Awesome. :) Thanks

heavykick commented 7 years ago

no problem ... i am always thankfull for new ideas :)