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Parashat leyning information in Shabbat times REST API #15

Closed lukecarbis closed 9 years ago

lukecarbis commented 9 years ago

When specifying the ss=on parameter in the Jewish Calendar REST API, one of the data points returned is the Parashat:

"category": "parashat",
"date": "2015-06-27",
"hebrew": "פרשת חקת",
"leyning": {
    "1": "Numbers 19:1 - 19:17",
    "2": "Numbers 19:18 - 20:6",
    "3": "Numbers 20:7 - 20:13",
    "4": "Numbers 20:14 - 20:21",
    "5": "Numbers 20:22 - 21:9",
    "6": "Numbers 21:10 - 21:20",
    "7": "Numbers 21:21 - 22:1",
    "haftarah": "Judges 11:1 - 11:33",
    "torah": "Numbers 19:1 - 22:1"
"link": "http://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/chukat",
"title": "Parashat Chukat"

However, in the Shabbat Times REST API, which also includes the Parashat, we only get this returned:

"category": "parashat",
"date": "2015-06-27",
"hebrew": "פרשת חקת",
"link": "http://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/chukat",
"title": "Parashat Chukat"

This is missing the leyning information.

Would it be possible to have this included in the Shabbat Times REST API?

By the way, thank you so much for all the work you've put into this!

mjradwin commented 9 years ago

Deployed to hebcal.com today.