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How to link to other sources of commentary #9

Closed sgladstone closed 9 years ago

sgladstone commented 10 years ago

How can links be added to the Torah portion page so that it links to other commentaries? ( Such as the page at: http://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/vayera which currently links to the OU and torah.org commentaries)

I would like to add a link to the USCJ "Torah Sparks" commentaries.

sgladstone commented 10 years ago

The URL to all the Torah Sparks commentary is: http://uscj.org/JewishLivingandLearning/WeeklyParashah/TorahSparks/Archive/Default.aspx

mjradwin commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the note - this should be possible. When we last checked there wasn't an easy way to generate the URL on our side to a link to a specific parashah on USCJ's website, but that looks like it's been fixed now.

We will plan to link as follows:


Where {{HEBYEAR}} is a past year if the Shabbat where we read the parashat haShavuah is more than 5 days away, or the present year if it's 5 or fewer days away.

Sound good to you?

sgladstone commented 10 years ago

That sounds perfect. BTW: The link to the haftarah commentary is: http://www.uscj.org.il//haftarahArchive.php

sgladstone commented 9 years ago

Any update on this issue?

mjradwin commented 9 years ago

We're working on this, but regrettably we are seeing some inconsistent spelling from year to year. A lack of stable URLs could cause 404 Not Found errors for our users, which is not a great experience.

For example, for Parashat Pinchas, here are the most recent few links:

Because we need to generate this programmatically, we'll generate a link for "Pinhas" today. When the 5775 commentary is published, will you name it Pinhas to be consistent? Or might the spelling switch to Pinchas without notice?

Unless you have a better recommendation, our best plan would be to select the spelling that USCJ most recently used when they published the most recent commentary for that parashah.