The PALISADE-CPU backend is a Reference backend engine for HEBench which is a shared library that implements the required functions specified in either the hebench::APIBridge or hebench::cpp wrapper. It is intended only as a reference on how to implement a PALISADE backend for HEBench and it is not fully optimized for performance.
Apache License 2.0
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Modifying Default Backend Behavior for LR Batch Size #38
Updated default behavior to use documentation-provided batch size for LR benchmark
Moved rotation-key generation to encode step where knowledge of remotely provided batchsize is present
Fixes #36, Fixes #37
Types of changes
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[x] Bugfix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
[ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
[ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
[ ] Documentation Update (if none of the other choices apply)
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[x] Current formatting and unit tests / base functionality passes locally with my changes
[ ] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works (if appropriate)
[ ] I have added necessary documentation (if appropriate)
[x] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules
Further comments
If this is a relatively large or complex change, kick off the discussion by explaining why you chose the solution you did, what alternatives you considered, etc.
Proposed changes
Types of changes
What types of changes does your code introduce to the HEBench PALISADE Reference Backend? Put an
in the boxes that applyChecklist
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in the boxes that apply. You can also fill these out after creating the PR. If you're unsure about any of them, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! This is simply a reminder of what we are going to look for before merging your code.Further comments
If this is a relatively large or complex change, kick off the discussion by explaining why you chose the solution you did, what alternatives you considered, etc.